Duncan Hunter is The Last Hope.
Is it true his family made their fortunes with Duncan Yo-Yo's?
I have a feeling that all of the liberal media in the country are going to start announcing that "Hillary is the Winner!" about 1 minute after the polls open for voting during the Presidential elections.
Can't you just see it?...Buses and Vans driving all over the country giving illegal aliens who can't speak a word of English their voter I.D. cards, their automatic drivers' licenses, and a five dollar bill, and busing loads of them over to the polling booths with instructions to vote for "Hee-la-ree!"
Every homo and whore on the evening news will be projecting "A Landslide for America's First Woman's Presidency"!
Even Bush has already predicted and advocated that Hillary win the next election.
The "fix" is in.
And...those of you who strongly support The Patriot Act will be its victims when Hillary has the power to arrest anyone anywhere anytime and hold them without charges and without legal counsel indefinitely.
Oh!....Silly me! We all know that the International Marxists controlling the Democrat Party aren't going to abuse their soon to be unlimited powers to destroy all who disagree with them.
On the other hand, hmmm......Why, if the Dems hate Bush's policies so much, haven't they so much as lifted a finger to remove all of his harsh new laws curbing civil liberties?
You don't think that they've been eagerly counting the days until they can seize power and have us all arrested and sent to camps do you?
Perish the thought!