Author Topic: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!  (Read 35213 times)

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Just Erica

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2008, 05:14:37 PM »

Apacallyps, I agree with what you're saying. Races aren't the enemy at all..the enemy is evil action. As far as culture is concerned, I think that some may see culture and wind up separating different cultures according to race. I, on the other hand see good and evil in different cultures. There is good and evil in the black culture, white culture, Hispanic culture and so on. However I think that it would behoove us to try to figure out how we can stop bad culture from taking over entire races. Once we get an idea on how to counter to bad with the good, I think we'll be at least on the right track to greatness...(although no situation and no one is perfect.)

You're right Erica.

The problem is with man. He is evil. The Bible tells us that,

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:
who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

One cannot even trust his own conscience. Only G-d's Word gives fully
reliable counsel.

Bottom line: There are no races. We all came from Adam and Eve. You
could say we are all cousins and not be wrong about that. I just finished
a book called, "One Bood: The Biblical Answer to Racism". I recommend
everyone read it. Really puts this issue into perspective. Awesome book!

Some people think there must be different "races" of people because there
appear to be major differences between various groups, such as skin color
and eye shape. The truth, though, is that these so-called different "racial"
characteristics are only minor variations among the people groups. Scientists
have found if one were to take any two people from anywhere in the world,
the basic genetic difference between these two people would typically be
around 0.2 percent - even if they came from the same people group. But,
these so-called different "racial" characteristics that many think are major
differences (skin color, eye shape, etc) account for only 6 percent of this
0.2 percent variation, which amounts to a mere 0.012 difference genetically.

In otherwords, the so-called "racial" differences are absolutely trivial.
Overall there is more variation within any group than there is between
one group and another. If a white person is looking for a tissue match
for an organ transplant, for instance, the best match may come from
a black person, and vice versa. The ABC News science page stated,
"What the facts show is that there are difference among us, but they
stem from culture, not race.

According to the Bible, all people on earth today descended from Noah
and his wife, his three sons and their wives, and before that from Adam
and Eve (Genesis 1-11). The Bible tells how the population that descended
from Noah's family had one language and were living together and disobeying
G-d's command to "fill the earth" (Genesis 9:1, 11:4). G-d confused their
language, causing a break-up of the population into smaller groups, which
scattered over the earth (Genesis 11:8-9).

"So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the
earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called
Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the
earth." Genesis 11:8-9

Using modern genetics, they have shown how following such a break-up of
a population, variations in skin color, for example, can develop in only a few
short generations. And there is good evidence to show that the various
groups of people we have today have not been seperated for huge
periods of time.

People are the problem. Judeo-Christians are faced with evil people and evil
cultures. Islam is an evil culture, a demonic one. Same with homosexuals and
the agenda the ACLU is pushing, etcetera. People come across un-educated
when they bring in the race card, because this has nothing to do with races.

One Blood: The Biblical Answer to Racism

I hope that helped. May the Lord bless you.
That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them.

I think at the heart of racism, though that there are people who have nothing better to do in their lives so they nitpick at those who look different, speak differently, walk differently, think differently from them. Hearing someone calling a black person  monkey,  'n-word', [censored], shvartza, coon are pet peeves of mine because it sounds and feels like bullying to me. I got the same feeling when I have heard some blacks call white people whitey, honkey, and white devil. This isn't elementary school, where children will make fun of other children because their parents didn't give them home training. We're all adults here. If we can't have a conversation, what kind of future will we have together.

I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you.

Thanks again for your well-thought out response.


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2008, 05:18:19 PM »
That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them.

I think at the heart of racism, though that there are people who have nothing better to do in their lives so they nitpick at those who look different, speak differently, walk differently, think differently from them. Hearing someone calling a black person  monkey,  'n-word', [censored], shvartza, coon are pet peeves of mine because it sounds and feels like bullying to me. I got the same feeling when I have heard some blacks call white people whitey, honkey, and white devil. This isn't elementary school, where children will make fun of other children because their parents didn't give them home training. We're all adults here. If we can't have a conversation, what kind of future will we have together.

I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you.

Thanks again for your well-thought out response.

You see NOTHING WRONG with two people of the same sex nailing each other in the dirt chute but you have a problem with name calling??????!!!!!!!!

That's some twisted, negro logic there. :(

Offline Kananga

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2008, 05:23:17 PM »
Everywhere blacks and mexicraps go mayhem follows. There is not a place on the face of this planet where you see a civilized black country. Look at south africa righ now. You can't blame whitey for that mess. This complusion of the liberals to adore and worship these primitives is mind blowing. In a way it is more racist than the klan or the other types of skinheads. What do think it really says when a whore such as madonna and her whore friend angelina go to africa to purchase black babies. Does it mean that these primitives are unable to raise these children? Does it mean the lowest of the low whites are better than the best african 'minds'? Are these sluts using these unfortunate biological mistakes as tax write-offs? Leave africa and africans alone, don't bring any more into civilization, they are happy with the flies, the murders, rapes and tribal wars, It is their natural state, so dear friends ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also read some posts about the US attitude towards Israel. I don't like the US government's attitude towards Israel. As far as I'm concerned I think Israel should have its borders all the way to syria and all the way to egypt. They should be no arabs at all in any region controlled by Israel. Muslims are not a civilized people so they should not be allowed in a civilized country nor should they be treated in a civil like manner. They should be isolated and left to their own devices.
Exactly!! Africa should be left to fend for itself!! I feel bad for the poor white folks in S.A they have the deck stacked against them however sadly I think the only solution for them is to get out while the getting is good. I could not agree more with your position on Israel.  At the very least Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders. Add to that all arabs in them borders should have been expelled directly into Jordan and Syria. Problem Solved!

Should the whites in South Africa be repatriated to Europe?
It would be the best thing that happened to them getting out of that black run hellhole. If they got out with their skin intact and nothing else it would still be a blessing for them. Its funny now that blacks have taken over the reigns of power in S.A murder and mayhem are the fare of the day. Why is that? Even in a country rich with diamonds blacks can't run a successful society. Why?  Something is just lacking in the evil black mentality and scientists should really try to find out what it is. Honestly I think they already know however I think white society is just to polite to say ;)

So what would have happened if Israel "never deviated from the 67 borders"?  That's the same argument that Jimmy Carter was making.  I've never heard of any neighboring African countries sending missles into South Africa?  There's absolutely no comparision between the two. 

Just admit that you're a racist bigot and you have absolutely no clue in what you're talking about!

Offline igo

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2008, 06:48:40 PM »
Just Erica link wrote, "That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them. I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you. Thanks again for your well-thought out response."

Don't worry, I'm pretty easy going. I understand what you're saying.

On the race issue I agree with you, but on the homosexual sodomy part,
nuh uh, I have to totally disagree. Here are a few things to think about.

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave
unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

This was Gods plan. Man and Woman... Not Man and Man or Woman
and Woman. It was never even an option! what made it an option in
people's lives is submitting to sick G-d forsaken thoughts.. and these
same acts you think are harmless G-d takes very seriously.. Even
animals stick to Gods code.. people are breaking HIS law and sending
themselves to never ending nightmare called HELL. According to the
Bible Sodomites (all immoral sex) are in serious danger of Hellfire.

G-d speaks against Homosexuals in the Bible... G-d sounds like he
means what he is saying:

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
Leviticus 18:22
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination: they shall   surely be put to death; their
blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13

"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of
the sons of Israel." Deuteronomy 23:17

The New Testament Speaks Against it as well:

"For this cause G-d gave them up unto vile affections: for even
their women did change the natural use into that which is against
nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the
woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men
working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that
recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did
not like to retain G-d in their knowledge, G-d gave them over to
a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of G-d, despiteful, proud,
boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without
understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable,
unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of G-d, that they which commit
such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure
in them that do them." Romans 1:26-32

Today Homosexuals are getting married and considering this to be normal
act under the eyes of the Living G-d. Homosexuals even think they have
the right to torture a young childs mind with their perverted lifestyle by trying
to adopt children.. This is basically like telling G-d not only will you not obey
his covenent but you're going to pervert and distort it as much as you can.

Take this is a very REAL warning! This is such an abomination in the eyes of
the Living G-d.. I cannot imagine what might happen to anyone promoting
such acts.. This is such a deadly sin I will not comment too much on this subject..
I would compare this to what Jesus had to say about anyone who ever hurt a
child in (Matthew 18:6).. What Jesus is basically saying is before you even come
close to such a sin of hurting a young child it is better to kill yourself before hand.

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were
better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were
drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:6

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences
come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" Matthew 18:7

By the way, I would highly recommend you watch this: 8;)

Why Evolution is Soooooo Stupid.

PS -- Oh, yeah, the other thing: Please keep in mind I mean no offence to you,
just trying to keep it real. In the Book of Life, the answers aren't in the back.  ;)

May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 06:53:22 PM by apacallyps »


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2008, 06:54:36 PM »
Hey, apacallyps ........listen up.

Knock off that bloody x-tian proselytising right now or else!

Offline igo

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2008, 06:59:12 PM »
Hey, apacallyps ........listen up.

Knock off that bloody x-tian proselytising right now or else!

What's your problem dude. I'm answering a question in a Judeo-Christian forum. I'm not proselytising.


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2008, 07:04:37 PM »
Hey, apacallyps ........listen up.

Knock off that bloody x-tian proselytising right now or else!

What's your problem dude. I'm answering a question in a Judeo-Christian forum. I'm not proselytising.

Endless NT quotes about that essene carpenter. Proselytising by stealth. We've seen it before.

Like I said.........knock it off.

Offline igo

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #82 on: January 17, 2008, 07:23:58 PM »
Hey, apacallyps ........listen up.

Knock off that bloody x-tian proselytising right now or else!

What's your problem dude. I'm answering a question in a Judeo-Christian forum. I'm not proselytising.

Endless NT quotes about that essene carpenter. Proselytising by stealth. We've seen it before.

Like I said.........knock it off.

... Or, maybe it is REALLY EDS (Evangelical Derangement Syndrome)?

This man is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.

Look, I'm following the rules. I don't need an idiot like you with an attitude
problem instructing me how to speak. I've tried to answer some difficult
questions to the best of my ability, while at the same time trying to be
respectful of the Jewish members here. Sorry, but I think you’re being a
little sophomoric. I don’t like the way you make an underlying assumption.

But, hey! It doesn't matter anyway. It's time for me to move on. I will
continue to support Chaim Ben Pesach, I think he's awesome! But, this
forum and people like you are not for me.

I can smell this anti-Evangelical hate a mile away.

Your ridiculous little opinion has been noted.

Goodbye JTF, keep up the fight against evil!

My prayers are for you.

Ciao. 8;)


Just Erica

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #83 on: January 17, 2008, 07:40:55 PM »
That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them.

I think at the heart of racism, though that there are people who have nothing better to do in their lives so they nitpick at those who look different, speak differently, walk differently, think differently from them. Hearing someone calling a black person  monkey,  'n-word', [censored], shvartza, coon are pet peeves of mine because it sounds and feels like bullying to me. I got the same feeling when I have heard some blacks call white people whitey, honkey, and white devil. This isn't elementary school, where children will make fun of other children because their parents didn't give them home training. We're all adults here. If we can't have a conversation, what kind of future will we have together.

I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you.

Thanks again for your well-thought out response.

You see NOTHING WRONG with two people of the same sex nailing each other in the dirt chute but you have a problem with name calling??????!!!!!!!!

That's some twisted, negro logic there. :(
First of all, what people do in their bedrooms has NOTHING to do with me because they aren't HURTING ME! When idiots go out taking from the community, that hurts everyone around them. When sick fools go out raping and killing little girls, boys and women THAT affects how people act in their own lives. Someone else in a homosexual relationship dosen't affect me and mine; much like someone else's heterosexual relationship has no bearing on how I run mine.

"Twisted negro logic" ? Newman, grow up. What do you say  about white people who think the same way?


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2008, 07:44:12 PM »
That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them.

I think at the heart of racism, though that there are people who have nothing better to do in their lives so they nitpick at those who look different, speak differently, walk differently, think differently from them. Hearing someone calling a black person  monkey,  'n-word', [censored], shvartza, coon are pet peeves of mine because it sounds and feels like bullying to me. I got the same feeling when I have heard some blacks call white people whitey, honkey, and white devil. This isn't elementary school, where children will make fun of other children because their parents didn't give them home training. We're all adults here. If we can't have a conversation, what kind of future will we have together.

I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you.

Thanks again for your well-thought out response.

You see NOTHING WRONG with two people of the same sex nailing each other in the dirt chute but you have a problem with name calling??????!!!!!!!!

That's some twisted, negro logic there. :(
First of all, what people do in their bedrooms has NOTHING to do with me because they aren't HURTING ME! When idiots go out taking from the community, that hurts everyone around them. When sick fools go out raping and killing little girls, boys and women THAT affects how people act in their own lives. Someone else in a homosexual relationship dosen't affect me and mine; much like someone else's heterosexual relationship has no bearing on how I run mine.

"Twisted negro logic" ? Newman, grow up. What do you say  about white people who think the same way?

I say ...."twisted wigger logic". :D

Just Erica

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2008, 07:53:30 PM »
Just Erica link wrote, "That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them. I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you. Thanks again for your well-thought out response."

Don't worry, I'm pretty easy going. I understand what you're saying.

On the race issue I agree with you, but on the homosexual sodomy part,
nuh uh, I have to totally disagree. Here are a few things to think about.

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave
unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." Genesis 2:24

This was Gods plan. Man and Woman... Not Man and Man or Woman
and Woman. It was never even an option! what made it an option in
people's lives is submitting to sick G-d forsaken thoughts.. and these
same acts you think are harmless G-d takes very seriously.. Even
animals stick to Gods code.. people are breaking HIS law and sending
themselves to never ending nightmare called HELL. According to the
Bible Sodomites (all immoral sex) are in serious danger of Hellfire.

G-d speaks against Homosexuals in the Bible... G-d sounds like he
means what he is saying:

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
Leviticus 18:22
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them
have committed an abomination: they shall   surely be put to death; their
blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13

"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of
the sons of Israel." Deuteronomy 23:17

The New Testament Speaks Against it as well:

"For this cause G-d gave them up unto vile affections: for even
their women did change the natural use into that which is against
nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the
woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men
working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that
recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did
not like to retain G-d in their knowledge, G-d gave them over to
a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit,
malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of G-d, despiteful, proud,
boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without
understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable,
unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of G-d, that they which commit
such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure
in them that do them." Romans 1:26-32

Today Homosexuals are getting married and considering this to be normal
act under the eyes of the Living G-d. Homosexuals even think they have
the right to torture a young childs mind with their perverted lifestyle by trying
to adopt children.. This is basically like telling G-d not only will you not obey
his covenent but you're going to pervert and distort it as much as you can.

Take this is a very REAL warning! This is such an abomination in the eyes of
the Living G-d.. I cannot imagine what might happen to anyone promoting
such acts.. This is such a deadly sin I will not comment too much on this subject..
I would compare this to what Jesus had to say about anyone who ever hurt a
child in (Matthew 18:6).. What Jesus is basically saying is before you even come
close to such a sin of hurting a young child it is better to kill yourself before hand.

"But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were
better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were
drowned in the depth of the sea." Matthew 18:6

"Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences
come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" Matthew 18:7

By the way, I would highly recommend you watch this: 8;)

Why Evolution is Soooooo Stupid.

PS -- Oh, yeah, the other thing: Please keep in mind I mean no offence to you,
just trying to keep it real. In the Book of Life, the answers aren't in the back.  ;)

May the LORD show you His favor and give you His peace.
I'm familiar with the text but I think that there is little to control when it comes to how another couple spends their "quality time". I am in a heterosexual relationship. How many people are worried about what affect my relationship has on the values in this country or the world. I think homosexuality deserves the same treatment. (But like I said, its my opinion...nothing I'm saying is written in stone.) I had an interesting debate with someone my daughter was going to church with last month. She told me what you told me (because one of my daughters is bi-sexual)...but she also told me that I should basically disown her because what she was doing/ feeling was against God's word. Knowing what I know about teenagers and homosexuality, especially when parents disown their children, I always had the thought that I'd accept them no matter what. It may have been a faze (sp?) she was going through because of a traumatic experience she had...who am I to tell her "ACT THIS WAY OR YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!!" ? I don't have a heaven or hell to place ANYONE in. God does though. I let him handle those situations and continue to love my daughter anyway.

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #86 on: January 17, 2008, 08:13:09 PM »
Everywhere blacks and mexicraps go mayhem follows. There is not a place on the face of this planet where you see a civilized black country. Look at south africa righ now. You can't blame whitey for that mess. This complusion of the liberals to adore and worship these primitives is mind blowing. In a way it is more racist than the klan or the other types of skinheads. What do think it really says when a whore such as madonna and her whore friend angelina go to africa to purchase black babies. Does it mean that these primitives are unable to raise these children? Does it mean the lowest of the low whites are better than the best african 'minds'? Are these sluts using these unfortunate biological mistakes as tax write-offs? Leave africa and africans alone, don't bring any more into civilization, they are happy with the flies, the murders, rapes and tribal wars, It is their natural state, so dear friends ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also read some posts about the US attitude towards Israel. I don't like the US government's attitude towards Israel. As far as I'm concerned I think Israel should have its borders all the way to syria and all the way to egypt. They should be no arabs at all in any region controlled by Israel. Muslims are not a civilized people so they should not be allowed in a civilized country nor should they be treated in a civil like manner. They should be isolated and left to their own devices.
Exactly!! Africa should be left to fend for itself!! I feel bad for the poor white folks in S.A they have the deck stacked against them however sadly I think the only solution for them is to get out while the getting is good. I could not agree more with your position on Israel.  At the very least Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders. Add to that all arabs in them borders should have been expelled directly into Jordan and Syria. Problem Solved!

Should the whites in South Africa be repatriated to Europe?
It would be the best thing that happened to them getting out of that black run hellhole. If they got out with their skin intact and nothing else it would still be a blessing for them. Its funny now that blacks have taken over the reigns of power in S.A murder and mayhem are the fare of the day. Why is that? Even in a country rich with diamonds blacks can't run a successful society. Why?  Something is just lacking in the evil black mentality and scientists should really try to find out what it is. Honestly I think they already know however I think white society is just to polite to say ;)

So what would have happened if Israel "never deviated from the 67 borders"?  That's the same argument that Jimmy Carter was making.  I've never heard of any neighboring African countries sending missles into South Africa?  There's absolutely no comparision between the two. 

Just admit that you're a racist bigot and you have absolutely no clue in what you're talking about!
Hambone was a white guy his name was Sandy Becker :o In a way I am sorry to see you using that name your spoiling a nice memory. Here is a little Hambone music for you.
Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders that was a big mistake for them. That evil animal Carter should drop dead and rot in hell for pressuring Israel to be a part of them worthless treaties. Only a black ignoramus like yourself would even try to make a point using that sorry excuse for diplomacy. Secondly what does Israel have to do with a filthy backwater like Africa. Also your right there is absolutely no comparison between Israel and the best of the African Countries Israel is among the most advanced countries in the world not among the most primitive. You darkies are all the same when you are told something you don't like to hear its being said by a racist bigot. Guess what being called a racist bigot by you made my day :D If there is anyone clueless here its you. What sort of dumb beast compares Israel to South African countries :::D
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #87 on: January 17, 2008, 08:15:27 PM »
That explaination, as well as the sources you cited from the Bible are extremely helpful, thanks. :) I guess I'm a liberal to my heart, though because there are things I don't judge people on. Homosexuality isn't inherently evil (my opinion)...the mushy side of me sees homosexuality as something that is no different than heterosexuality ( other than the fact that no children can be physically concieved in a homosexual relationship.) . I look at evil people differently though. Those who kill, steal, rape, molest or threaten people just because they feel they have the right to do so. Their actions actually have a negative impact on the lives of everyone around them.

I think at the heart of racism, though that there are people who have nothing better to do in their lives so they nitpick at those who look different, speak differently, walk differently, think differently from them. Hearing someone calling a black person  monkey,  'n-word', [censored], shvartza, coon are pet peeves of mine because it sounds and feels like bullying to me. I got the same feeling when I have heard some blacks call white people whitey, honkey, and white devil. This isn't elementary school, where children will make fun of other children because their parents didn't give them home training. We're all adults here. If we can't have a conversation, what kind of future will we have together.

I really hope that wasn't too scatter-brained for you.

Thanks again for your well-thought out response.

You see NOTHING WRONG with two people of the same sex nailing each other in the dirt chute but you have a problem with name calling??????!!!!!!!!

That's some twisted, negro logic there. :(
First of all, what people do in their bedrooms has NOTHING to do with me because they aren't HURTING ME! When idiots go out taking from the community, that hurts everyone around them. When sick fools go out raping and killing little girls, boys and women THAT affects how people act in their own lives. Someone else in a homosexual relationship dosen't affect me and mine; much like someone else's heterosexual relationship has no bearing on how I run mine.

"Twisted negro logic" ? Newman, grow up. What do you say  about white people who think the same way?

I say ...."twisted wigger logic". :D

Offline Kananga

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #88 on: January 18, 2008, 09:32:35 AM »
Everywhere blacks and mexicraps go mayhem follows. There is not a place on the face of this planet where you see a civilized black country. Look at south africa righ now. You can't blame whitey for that mess. This complusion of the liberals to adore and worship these primitives is mind blowing. In a way it is more racist than the klan or the other types of skinheads. What do think it really says when a whore such as madonna and her whore friend angelina go to africa to purchase black babies. Does it mean that these primitives are unable to raise these children? Does it mean the lowest of the low whites are better than the best african 'minds'? Are these sluts using these unfortunate biological mistakes as tax write-offs? Leave africa and africans alone, don't bring any more into civilization, they are happy with the flies, the murders, rapes and tribal wars, It is their natural state, so dear friends ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also read some posts about the US attitude towards Israel. I don't like the US government's attitude towards Israel. As far as I'm concerned I think Israel should have its borders all the way to syria and all the way to egypt. They should be no arabs at all in any region controlled by Israel. Muslims are not a civilized people so they should not be allowed in a civilized country nor should they be treated in a civil like manner. They should be isolated and left to their own devices.
Exactly!! Africa should be left to fend for itself!! I feel bad for the poor white folks in S.A they have the deck stacked against them however sadly I think the only solution for them is to get out while the getting is good. I could not agree more with your position on Israel.  At the very least Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders. Add to that all arabs in them borders should have been expelled directly into Jordan and Syria. Problem Solved!

Should the whites in South Africa be repatriated to Europe?
It would be the best thing that happened to them getting out of that black run hellhole. If they got out with their skin intact and nothing else it would still be a blessing for them. Its funny now that blacks have taken over the reigns of power in S.A murder and mayhem are the fare of the day. Why is that? Even in a country rich with diamonds blacks can't run a successful society. Why?  Something is just lacking in the evil black mentality and scientists should really try to find out what it is. Honestly I think they already know however I think white society is just to polite to say ;)

So what would have happened if Israel "never deviated from the 67 borders"?  That's the same argument that Jimmy Carter was making.  I've never heard of any neighboring African countries sending missles into South Africa?  There's absolutely no comparision between the two. 

Just admit that you're a racist bigot and you have absolutely no clue in what you're talking about!
Hambone was a white guy his name was Sandy Becker :o In a way I am sorry to see you using that name your spoiling a nice memory. Here is a little Hambone music for you.
Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders that was a big mistake for them. That evil animal Carter should drop dead and rot in hell for pressuring Israel to be a part of them worthless treaties. Only a black ignoramus like yourself would even try to make a point using that sorry excuse for diplomacy. Secondly what does Israel have to do with a filthy backwater like Africa. Also your right there is absolutely no comparison between Israel and the best of the African Countries Israel is among the most advanced countries in the world not among the most primitive. You darkies are all the same when you are told something you don't like to hear its being said by a racist bigot. Guess what being called a racist bigot by you made my day :D If there is anyone clueless here its you. What sort of dumb beast compares Israel to South African countries :::D

cjd says, Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders that was a big mistake for them.


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #89 on: January 18, 2008, 03:56:00 PM »
Everywhere blacks and mexicraps go mayhem follows. There is not a place on the face of this planet where you see a civilized black country. Look at south africa righ now. You can't blame whitey for that mess. This complusion of the liberals to adore and worship these primitives is mind blowing. In a way it is more racist than the klan or the other types of skinheads. What do think it really says when a whore such as madonna and her whore friend angelina go to africa to purchase black babies. Does it mean that these primitives are unable to raise these children? Does it mean the lowest of the low whites are better than the best african 'minds'? Are these sluts using these unfortunate biological mistakes as tax write-offs? Leave africa and africans alone, don't bring any more into civilization, they are happy with the flies, the murders, rapes and tribal wars, It is their natural state, so dear friends ''if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I also read some posts about the US attitude towards Israel. I don't like the US government's attitude towards Israel. As far as I'm concerned I think Israel should have its borders all the way to syria and all the way to egypt. They should be no arabs at all in any region controlled by Israel. Muslims are not a civilized people so they should not be allowed in a civilized country nor should they be treated in a civil like manner. They should be isolated and left to their own devices.
Exactly!! Africa should be left to fend for itself!! I feel bad for the poor white folks in S.A they have the deck stacked against them however sadly I think the only solution for them is to get out while the getting is good. I could not agree more with your position on Israel.  At the very least Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders. Add to that all arabs in them borders should have been expelled directly into Jordan and Syria. Problem Solved!

Should the whites in South Africa be repatriated to Europe?
It would be the best thing that happened to them getting out of that black run hellhole. If they got out with their skin intact and nothing else it would still be a blessing for them. Its funny now that blacks have taken over the reigns of power in S.A murder and mayhem are the fare of the day. Why is that? Even in a country rich with diamonds blacks can't run a successful society. Why?  Something is just lacking in the evil black mentality and scientists should really try to find out what it is. Honestly I think they already know however I think white society is just to polite to say ;)

So what would have happened if Israel "never deviated from the 67 borders"?  That's the same argument that Jimmy Carter was making.  I've never heard of any neighboring African countries sending missles into South Africa?  There's absolutely no comparision between the two. 

Just admit that you're a racist bigot and you have absolutely no clue in what you're talking about!
Hambone was a white guy his name was Sandy Becker :o In a way I am sorry to see you using that name your spoiling a nice memory. Here is a little Hambone music for you.
Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders that was a big mistake for them. That evil animal Carter should drop dead and rot in hell for pressuring Israel to be a part of them worthless treaties. Only a black ignoramus like yourself would even try to make a point using that sorry excuse for diplomacy. Secondly what does Israel have to do with a filthy backwater like Africa. Also your right there is absolutely no comparison between Israel and the best of the African Countries Israel is among the most advanced countries in the world not among the most primitive. You darkies are all the same when you are told something you don't like to hear its being said by a racist bigot. Guess what being called a racist bigot by you made my day :D If there is anyone clueless here its you. What sort of dumb beast compares Israel to South African countries :::D

cjd says, Israel should have never deviated from the 67 borders that was a big mistake for them.


Exactly!! And I will repeat it for the hard of hearing or mentally impaired. Every inch of land Israel gained in the 67 war should be still held by Israel today. It was a mistake for them to withdraw from any land gains of that time. Carter was an evil animal only concerned about himself and his arab interests.   
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2008, 07:09:17 AM »
Sandy Becker was great as Hambone and also the professor. Jimmy Carter is a complete idiot. He know idea of what intelligence is. I am for EXPANDING THE 67 BORDERS, and letting the muslims rot in the rumble of their villages. They should not be given any modern inventions at all! No telephones, cells, computers etc, cars, toilets nothing. They should just be given the filthly do-doran and let them live on that. They must be isolated as though they have the plaque.

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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #91 on: January 21, 2008, 07:48:29 AM »
Sandy Becker was great as Hambone and also the professor. Jimmy Carter is a complete idiot. He know idea of what intelligence is. I am for EXPANDING THE 67 BORDERS, and letting the muslims rot in the rumble of their villages. They should not be given any modern inventions at all! No telephones, cells, computers etc, cars, toilets nothing. They should just be given the filthly do-doran and let them live on that. They must be isolated as though they have the plaque.

Great Newman has chased another sensible member... and Erika is back! ::)
The muSSlime A-rabs ocupy the land they took by force and decept from Jewish, Christians, Hindus, Budhists etc nations and tribes This land must be reconquered, repopulated and reconstructed... I agree with Ambroix its 50% genetics and 50% culture so deiSSmalaised A-Rabs and negroes can be put in stone age reservats they're violent bastards even without [censored] Koran... Boers (and Hotentots) not Zulu and Khosa Bantu tribes are natives in SA. Before someone call me R word check out the Torah about Ishmael and Cham. :P
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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Re: Blacks and Mexican 99.9% Scum!!!!!!
« Reply #92 on: January 21, 2008, 08:24:12 AM »
Sandy Becker was great as Hambone and also the professor. Jimmy Carter is a complete idiot. He know idea of what intelligence is. I am for EXPANDING THE 67 BORDERS, and letting the muslims rot in the rumble of their villages. They should not be given any modern inventions at all! No telephones, cells, computers etc, cars, toilets nothing. They should just be given the filthly do-doran and let them live on that. They must be isolated as though they have the plaque.

Great Newman has chased another sensible member... and Erika is back! ::)

1/ I chased a missionary.

2/ I DIDN'T bring Erica back!.....................She's a good sport, though.