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The Media Frantic on Obama

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Yes, we will have a president who also pees on the staircase in the White House whenever he feels the need. He will take his oath on a copy of ROOTS or the autobiography of Malcolm X. We will call his wife the first HO or the First [censored]. What has happened to the american people that they would ever consider this  baboon monkey n.igger as a candidate?

For his first state dinner, the chef can whip up a nice bowl of mac and cheese, jerk chicken and pig's feet. He can then make a speech and tell us his family history, how his grandpa was the chief gun bearer for Teddy Roosvelt and that his great uncle was a close intimate of Tarzan and Jungle Jim. He can also bring up the fact that his second cousin was a consultant on the Ramar of the Jungle series that was on TV in the middle 1950s. He can also talk about how his father meet his white momma in a crack house by the lake under the moonlight when asking her if he could use her crack pipe. Pass the watermellon please.


--- Quote from: Yochanan Zev on November 21, 2006, 12:48:58 PM ---

He be gittin' all the white wimmons!

--- End quote ---
Yea all the white wimmons love they pet monkies especialy if they be president.

One thing about Hussein Obama is that he looks like he could a nice guy outside of politics.  I still don't trust him...

Is the Rainbow Pusher coalition backing Hussein O, or are they too envy of his popularity?


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