Author Topic: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip  (Read 4662 times)

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Offline Mifletzet

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Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« on: December 15, 2007, 06:56:44 PM »
Is another Pulsa in the offing?!

"Just before his dastardly Gaza deportation of 10,000 Jews from their homes, ultra-Orthodox Jews invoked the Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura ("Lashes of Fire") curse against its instigator Ariel Sharon, that he should die within the year.

As with his predecessor Yitzhak Rabin, who was also so cursed, and was killed one month to the day, Sharon was felled six months to the day of this cursing.

The Pulsa's wording makes chilling reading:
"On Ariel the son of Vera of the family Sheinerman, we request permission to call on the Celestials, and to seek that the Angels of Destruction draw out the sword against this wicked man. That they should not show him mercy nor forgive his sins, and that all his good deeds be forgotten. And also on the sinners that are his accomplices. As it says: "The righteous will rejoice when he sees vengeance, he will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Psalm 58). For his having betrayed nad been responsible for the death of his brothers and for attempting to hand over to our enemies the Sons of Ishmael, the Land of Israel. May the anger of the Lord be stengthened against him, may he be accursed, his name be erased, and may he die!".

The curse is generally said to work within 30 days, but is effective for one year. If the cursers themselves are found to be unworthy, the curse will rebound on them. Others claimed to have falled victim to the Pulsa include Leon Trotsky, Jerusalem Mayor Gershon Agron, Poalei Aguda leader Benjamin Minz, Jaffa buidling magnate Eyal Ragonis, and of course Yitzhak Rabin."

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2007, 08:19:45 PM »
Does the Pulsa d'Nura have a minimum number of required cursers in order to be effective?

Must it be recited as a group?

Or is it effective if only one Jew recites it?

Also, must there first be any type of agreement by a 'Sanhedrin' or some other such group, so that "permission" is granted to go forward with such a curse?

I ask these questions with seriousness, because such a recitation would seem to be the most extreme resort for dealing with evildoers.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2007, 08:58:09 PM »
The curse is generally said to work within 30 days, but is effective for one year.

No such thing exists.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2007, 01:37:31 AM »
Re:  "...we request permission to call on the Celestials..."


I always thought that The Celestials were a Negro doo-wop act...

Does this mean that the rabbis listen to a bunch of chugglemonkeys singing to them when they decide to put some "hoo-doo" on some "goozoo"?   :o

Why don't they just get some Voodoo dolls made in China that are tremendously fat and huge like Ariel Sharon, and then stick pins in them?   :-X

How about "love potions"?...   :-*

I heard that "Mama Boneleg" will make them up for you 'special order' for only $18...all you need is some woman whom you want to fall in love with you, and then get some lint off of her jacket or even some of her dandruff and take it to "Queen Mama" with some money.   8)

If you give "Mama" an extra $5 she will make up a special "No STD's Love Potion" so you won't catch anything!   ^-^

Offline Yisrael

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2007, 01:49:03 AM »
The curse is generally said to work within 30 days, but is effective for one year.

No such thing exists.


This "curse" is BS.

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Offline Nolandforshalom

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2007, 02:26:57 AM »
it has worked on many people throughout history. believe what you will, but the pulsa dnura works.
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Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2007, 02:55:56 AM »
Most Jewish scholars say there is no such a curse in Judaism but that a prayer of righteous claiming Divine justice, when men has no power to defend Israel, is heard.
In fact Pulsa deNura works.
But please don't attempt to do it by yourselves. It's very dangerous. Noone in the forum may have the spiritual level of the great Ravs. When someone really claims Heavenly justice, he is judged first, and the curse may come to him.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2007, 04:11:18 AM »
The curse is generally said to work within 30 days, but is effective for one year.

No such thing exists.


This "curse" is BS.

Sure sounds like BS to me, agree. O0

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2007, 04:49:39 AM »
When the Torah relates of Bilom's attempt to curse the Jews, the effects of his curse would have been real, and there was a real threat to the Israelites existence. Or don't you believe it?

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Kabbalistic Pulsa d'Nura curse on Sharon 2005 clip
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2007, 08:08:32 AM »
When the Torah relates of Bilom's attempt to curse the Jews, the effects of his curse would have been real, and there was a real threat to the Israelites existence. Or don't you believe it?

Theologically, I am comfortable with the idea of the supernatural occurring during the age of prophecy.