ya know, guys, come to to Israel to see the opposit thing. say you walk down the street in my neighbourhood (which is actually rather lower mid social class or high low class). you would absolutely prefer to walk by a group of blacks (Ethiopian Jews) and not morrocan group, which cause the most problems among Jews (there are no arabs in the Kerayot- where i live). actually, in Israel, most common "Jewish" group of people to end up in prison is morrocan jews. so i can start saying morrocans are beasts, because they harassed me and other good pupils (there were almost no good morrocan pupils in all the schools iv'e been at), or becaus they are the most probable drug user, or other bad things here in Israel. actually, in many ways, their behavior is just like what you say the black do in the US.
what im trying to say is every race or national group or other people belonging to other division- we can attribute a bad behavior to every one of them, in different fields of behavior.