Author Topic: Hate and Discontent  (Read 1236 times)

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Offline mosquewatch

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Hate and Discontent
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:31:34 PM »
There are former (so called "Christian" ) members of this Forum that are attempting too drive a wedge between Jews and Christians on youtube. They are attacking Chaim and others for their opinion. These so called "Christians" have no guts too even show their own face in the garbage videos they make. I as a Christian will not proseltyse to the Jewish people, and they seem too have the "Jesus" complex to save the souls of the Jews. We as Jews and Christians of course follow different Ideologies, it is sad that my fellow "Christians" would lower themselves to the level of the muslim nazi vermin scum. Therefore next Monday I will make a video, and show my face and hopefully blister the opposition into oblivion. I did not join JTF too preach too others my belief. If some one wants too know about my belief, google it. These backwards infantile children are more dangerous than hammas. I stand with the members of JTF. I'm not on the board alot, because of other projects I work on.

We have a common enemy,islam,  these people have a vendetta over a personal conflict. Idiot savants the lot ! For the former members that are surely watching the forum. STAND UP AND SHOW ME YOUR FACE. If it is indeed a verbal and video war you desire, I am willing and beyond capable to shove your pathetic, childish diatribes into the trash bin of youtube history. They have defamed this forum, therfore have defamed me. For the last 8 years on paltalk I've run the muslims off with their pathetic arguments, I will be glad to do the same too the so called "Christians" as well. SHALOM.

Jeff Davis
Happy Chanuka and Merry Christmas for those with the respective religious beliefs.
No peace, without FREEDOM.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Hate and Discontent
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 06:51:59 PM »
Jeff, you are truly a very righteous person and I have always had the deepest admiration for you.

G-d bless you and your loved ones.

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Hate and Discontent
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2007, 07:14:32 PM »
Jeff, you are truly a very righteous person and I have always had the deepest admiration for you.

G-d bless you and your loved ones.

Chaim, I'm not kissing your touchas. You have inspired me in more ways I can ever text. I've had such a different mindset from hearing you speak. What these people are doing, is the VERY SAME THING THE MUSLIMS HAVE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS. DIVIDE AND CONQUER. I'll not fall for it, never have never will.  I am nothing, just another guy with a microphone and a video recorder. I am passionate about what I believe in. Passionate too the point I'm losing some long time online friends. I don't care, with friends like them, I don't need enemies. They can drop dead. I'm done with it. If no one else will stand against them I bloody well will. I don't care about flagging their videos, I will go after them tooth and nail the same way I do the muslim idiots. I'm very fired up right now and with good reason. I've just had enough of them. They pick at things we disagree on. I get email all the time Quote" Well Chaim said this about Michael Savage" blah blah blah. I don't care if you want Savage too die. I like him, you don't. NO PROBLEM !!!!!!!! These babbling backwards fools, can not see the forest for the trees. They are selfish, primordial insects that have no clue, THEY ARE HELPING THE ENEMY.

Those that help the enemy, are MY ENEMY. ( I don't turn the other cheek either. ) Let the dice fall where they may. Chaim you have done more to help the Jewish people than any of these mutants joining a chat forum. You've been there, done that. You deserve a hel* of alot of respect. That being said, your compliment humbles me in such a way you will never understand. G-d bless you and your family always.

No peace, without FREEDOM.