Author Topic: Congress passes new gun law  (Read 13106 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 09:23:06 PM »
I agree it doesnt sound bad, mentally ill people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun thats just common sense.  I had to have a background check to get my permit, I didnt feel they infringed on my rights at all.

Offline Nolandforshalom

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 09:48:26 PM »
I think that you should only have to have one background check every 5 years at most, not every time you buy a gun...
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Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 12:31:43 AM »
I agree it doesnt sound bad, mentally ill people shouldnt be allowed to have a gun thats just common sense.  I had to have a background check to get my permit, I didnt feel they infringed on my rights at all.

WTF? I'm bipolar, you think I shouldn't own a gun? Yeah I dare someone to tell me I "shouldn't" have a gun, and I dare them to try to take it from me, i'll give up my guns muzzle first one bullet at a time. They'll have to pry the gun from my cold dead hands.  >:(

And screw the NRA, I am cancelling my membership and joining a real gun organization like GOA or JPFO.

Permits are unconstitutional. Same with background checks. The government has no right to tell me if I can have a gun or not.

This is nothing more than a "feel good law". You better remember that anything can be considered a mental illness, how many of our vets have PTSD? Do any of you have OCD? ADD? The NRA= No Right to Arms
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 12:35:42 AM by Cohen »

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 02:38:36 AM »
No Backround check with that a Muslim Terriorst could get a gun are you nuts.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 02:44:16 AM »
No Backround check with that a Muslim Terriorst could get a gun are you nuts.

Fair game then. Muslims can't shoot anyways, that's why they hold the gun over their head.

Why should I sacrifice my constitutional rights and have our rights limited so we can be politically correct about muslims? I seriously start to question if anyone on the forums has constitutional views on the 2nd amendment.


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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2007, 04:26:20 AM »
Be carefull with that law. We have one like that.

I heard of a prison guard who was sent for stress counselling after his family received death threats. That was sufficient to preclude him renewing his personal gun liscence yet he was deemed fit for duty (which entailed walking the wall with a Mini 14 and pistol!).

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 04:38:11 AM »
Ya, newman is right. This is scary stuff. The main stream psychologists are saying that 30% of the population is "clinically depressed". Just think about that for a minute.

They make little steps when taking away your freedom and wrap it in a pretty little package. You forget how sick and evil these traitors are. They might not do a thing with it right now... leave it for the next guy. Ever known a law passed that they didn't try to take advantage of? It doesn't take much logic to put this one together.

Was there even a vote? I never heard about a vote for this.

Don't crazy people usually get their guns illegally? Last time I looked... most of these "gangsters" were pretty seriously crazy. I bet their guns don't disappear.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 07:37:38 AM by Shlomo »
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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2007, 05:36:46 AM »
No Backround check with that a Muslim Terriorst could get a gun are you nuts.

Fair game then. Muslims can't shoot anyways, that's why they hold the gun over their head.

Why should I sacrifice my constitutional rights and have our rights limited so we can be politically correct about muslims? I seriously start to question if anyone on the forums has constitutional views on the 2nd amendment.

It wont be fair game, they wont come after you who can defend they will shoot your mother at the mall while shes doing her shopping, your dad at work where he cant defend himself, your kids at school ....obviously if muslims can pass the requirements they can legally own a gun (unfortunately) but owning a gun is a responsibility, blind people arent allowed to drive and the drooling lunatic who was just released from an institution because they needed the bed so doctors pushed him out onto the streets and stamped his forehead 'sane' shouldnt be allowed to own a gun.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2007, 01:08:18 PM »
No Backround check with that a Muslim Terriorst could get a gun are you nuts.

Fair game then. Muslims can't shoot anyways, that's why they hold the gun over their head.

Why should I sacrifice my constitutional rights and have our rights limited so we can be politically correct about muslims? I seriously start to question if anyone on the forums has constitutional views on the 2nd amendment.

It wont be fair game, they wont come after you who can defend they will shoot your mother at the mall while shes doing her shopping, your dad at work where he cant defend himself, your kids at school ....obviously if muslims can pass the requirements they can legally own a gun (unfortunately) but owning a gun is a responsibility, blind people arent allowed to drive and the drooling lunatic who was just released from an institution because they needed the bed so doctors pushed him out onto the streets and stamped his forehead 'sane' shouldnt be allowed to own a gun.

Easy solution to that, if someone is truely mentally ill that their dangerous to other people, why are they roaming the streets? If they take their meds, why does it matter?

Muslims can already own guns, and those who can't legally own them can get them illegally.

Hitler supported gun control as well, check out the nazi gun laws of 1934 where he required dealers to log purchases and a permit system, he also prevented Jews from owning guns. I refuse to support a Nazi law.

We never had these restrictions before 1968, before the gun control act of 1968 our murder rates were very low. You could order a machine gun out of a sears catalogue shipped right to your house no background check needed, kids even brought their guns to school and we never had all the problems we do today.

Better yet, if muslims are such a threat to America, why are we worried about their gun rights, wouldn't it just be easier kicking them out of the country?

Anyways, this is why I don't order my guns from a gun dealer, I will not go through a background check or have my information logged. I buy private dealer only and I get better prices as well. It's perfectly legal. If I were prohibited from owning a gun legally, it wouldn't be too difficult to find one illegally either.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 01:10:37 PM by Cohen »


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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2007, 01:29:57 PM »
Mentally ill people roam our streets because our health care system is crap and its VERY hard to commit someone who doesnt want to be committed.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2007, 01:32:14 PM »
Mentally ill people roam our streets because our health care system is crap and its VERY hard to commit someone who doesnt want to be committed.

yeah they belong in mental hospitals but most of those were shutdown because liberals thought they were inhumane. lol. :P

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2007, 01:33:15 PM »
Mentally ill people roam our streets because our health care system is crap and its VERY hard to commit someone who doesnt want to be committed.

So are you against me owning a gun?


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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2007, 01:44:01 PM »
Mentally ill people roam our streets because our health care system is crap and its VERY hard to commit someone who doesnt want to be committed.

So are you against me owning a gun?

Course not, I own one, I am against mentally ill people owning one, people who have no grip on reality, people who have no control over themselves....its a right but also a responsibility, if you cannot be responsible then you shouldnt.  I also blame parents when kids get their guns, THEY are the ones who are NOT responsible enough to teach their child that a gun is not a toy, my son was taught at a young age that guns are serious, he has been shooting at the range for a couple years now, I wouldnt need to worry he would let his friends use it, or take it to school, he respects how serious it is to have one.

I mean if its a right for every American, then why not pass guns out in prison, high schools  etc, why have age restrictions, I mean a 5 yr old is also an American.  Blind people are American, why cant they have one, crack addicts are American, why cant they have one.  I agree its a right, but like I said, also a responsibility.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2007, 02:20:49 PM »
Mentally ill people roam our streets because our health care system is crap and its VERY hard to commit someone who doesnt want to be committed.

So are you against me owning a gun?

Course not, I own one, I am against mentally ill people owning one, people who have no grip on reality, people who have no control over themselves....its a right but also a responsibility, if you cannot be responsible then you shouldnt.  I also blame parents when kids get their guns, THEY are the ones who are NOT responsible enough to teach their child that a gun is not a toy, my son was taught at a young age that guns are serious, he has been shooting at the range for a couple years now, I wouldnt need to worry he would let his friends use it, or take it to school, he respects how serious it is to have one.

I mean if its a right for every American, then why not pass guns out in prison, high schools  etc, why have age restrictions, I mean a 5 yr old is also an American.  Blind people are American, why cant they have one, crack addicts are American, why cant they have one.  I agree its a right, but like I said, also a responsibility.

But yet you support a bill which I am classified as mentally ill for being bipolar?

Also there are blind people who own guns, I can pull the link if you like.

I have no objection to kids having guns if their parents have ownership of them. I had a gun when I was 16 but under my parents name.

In regards why we don't have guns in prisons

"No free man shall be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson

Prisoners are not free ;)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 02:23:13 PM by Cohen »

Offline Daniel

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2007, 06:35:58 PM »
I think that gun laws should be applied very much the same way as motor vehicle laws. You need to have license, registration, and insurance, and take a drivers course followed by passing a road test in order to show your competency in order to get that license. If the driver misuses or breaks laws with the vehicle, then the license can be revoked or suspended. I think those same exact standards should be set for gun usage.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Congress passes new gun law
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2007, 07:54:38 PM »
I think that gun laws should be applied very much the same way as motor vehicle laws. You need to have license, registration, and insurance, and take a drivers course followed by passing a road test in order to show your competency in order to get that license. If the driver misuses or breaks laws with the vehicle, then the license can be revoked or suspended. I think those same exact standards should be set for gun usage.

You are mistaken, see the following

You sure don't know much about government monopoly on firearms and Jewish history do you?

You would probably be the first to walk a straight line into the gas chambers with that mentality of allowing government control on arms. Your not a democrat are you?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 08:00:32 PM by Cohen »