Author Topic: Hate being the bearer of bad news, but .....  (Read 914 times)

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Offline Ithaca-37

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Hate being the bearer of bad news, but .....
« on: January 20, 2008, 05:46:55 AM »
John McCain wins the South Carolina primary.  Here's what gets me:  I just got finished reading some on-line mainstream press coverage of the SC results, and every article race mentioned McCain's constant push for amnesty for illegal aliens.  One referred to the issue as 'radioactive'.  Exit polls in South Carolina named immigration as the second biggest issue among Republicans.  And yet, Mr. Amnesty himself wins the primary.

There's an old expression to this effect:  'He whom God wishes to destroy, He first drives mad.'  That's my only explanation for these results.  I'm dead serious about this:  I don't care who the Democrats put up, I'll NEVER vote for McCain.  Allow me to end with another own old expression, not as old as the first sentence in this paragraph but still fitting:  'Better to have a genuine enemy than a phony friend'.


Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Hate being the bearer of bad news, but .....
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2008, 05:56:55 AM »
It's odd. 

I think people who vote for McCain disagree with him in most issues but they perceive him as a "straight-talker" and someone who is "electable" so they vote for him. 

It's unfortunate that few conservative voters haven't realized that Duncan Hunter was limited in most debates and then banned from the most recent ones, because the establishments know that he would be popular with conservatives and the establishments don't want a candidate who actually would get a border fence built, who would do something about illegal aliens, who would stop plans for a North American Union, who would stop bad trade deals like NAFTA and CAFTA, who would do something about the unfair trade deal with China, who would bring back manufacturing jobs to the USA, decrease outsourcing, etc.