I want to get a Desert Eagle. Wanted one since seeing it in the movie The Matrix. (Agent Smith's gun) 
Overpriced paperweight if you ask me.
There's better choices for half the money.
But it's the world's most powerful handgun, even more powerful than Dirty Harry's! 
The 500 S&W MAGNUM REVOLVER has more power 
The problem with any of these guys is that you could never afford the ammo to shoot several thousand rounds to get comfortable with it.
Also, who cares about these gigantic rounds...a .45ACP round will stop a man dead in his tracks. So will a .40S&W for all but the most extreme situations. Either of those rounds is far more controllable than something like a .500 S&W. Heck, I personally find a .357 Magnum is only usable in a big heavy 8" barrel revolver.
My carry gun is a five-shot .357 snub, from which I shoot .38 +P hollow point. If I need more than five shots, I'm in way over my head. If five shots of .38 +P doesn't stop someone, nothing will. To be honest, I don't carry all that often - I can't carry at work, and I can't even park my car and leave the gun in it. I don't carry at home. So that leaves really only evening trips out, where I carry depending on what I'm doing.
The M1911 is, in my opinion, the finest handgun ever made and the .45ACP round is superb. But for a lot of people, I'd recommend a Glock - simple to maintain, simple to use, and it avoids the "first shot is a hard pull, subsequent shots are easy" problem of double-action automatics. I wouldn't want to trust my life to anything smaller than a 9mm (though lots of people carry .380s)...but I prefer the "big and slow" bullets instead of the "small and fast" rounds like 9mm.