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Ask JTF For November 26 Broadcast

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Hello Chaim, I know this fellow called screen name ‘BK’ - from activities I held together with his help for Gush Katif, opposite the Israeli Embassy several months before the ethnic cleansing plan by Ariel Sharon was carried out – around 20 people attended it. I also organised marches, demonstrations, vigils and protests against it in London, over 250 attended one in Golders Green that I organised.  You mentioned him on this ASK JTF show recently. [I happen to have his landline and mobile numbers, and an email address for him!]

However I am always disturbed at the nasty, sick and vile things he says about you and JTF – especially its views on Blacks, which is against their culture not race, nationality or ethnicity.

Here is what ‘BK’, from England wrote in recent times on the ‘Revava’ Forum:    
"So that's [CBP eh? I have to say I dislike him even more than I did before after having seen just the first 2 minutes or so of that video. Besides for him looking like a retard, you can tell the guy's on a serious ego-trip every time he opens his mouth... Where does a middle-aged shrimp like him with no followers get off talking like some tough-guy neo-nazi?! (… and his Hebrew accent is a bit annoying...)  Someone needs to pinch his arm hard and remind him that he is a one-man movement with maybe 100 or so, mildly retarded followers, and another 100 or so people who like to watch/listen to him and read his stuff just for a laugh."

It is so sad and tragic that he and many other people - spend their time contributing and believing in Revava - a useless, incompetent and such a pathetic group!!!

Dear Chaim:
  I didn't even know that there was a schwartze Jim Jones.  I'm surprised that you did.   :D

  On another subject, I believe that we in the West can never wake up until there is some unprecedentedly tragic event.  After September the Eleventh there was some common sense, but only for a few days.  This country simply wasn't devastated enough to force real change in our society.  We woke up and hit the snooze button.

  Unless we're really forced to fight for our lives and soon, we're finished.  The demographics of the world are changing, and NOT in favor of Western society.

Please tell me how I'm wrong.



Hail Columbia:
Dear Chaim,

Recently, you were speaking of numerology in the Torah, and since you mentioned the role that the number 75 played in relation to the land of Israel, I was wondering what would happen to Israel in the year 2023, since that is the year in which the current state of Israel enters its 75th year.

Hello Chaim,I am listening with great interest to the JTF broadcast about numerology in scripture. I too am very interested in this topic. My question is have you ever taken the time to examine this topic as pertains to the Christian New Testament and Jesus? The consistencies are just as profound, in my estimation. I would also like to recommend a book called Number In Scripture by E.W.Bullinger. Thanks,Allen-T

Yacov Menashe adds: The Christian Bible has its own gematria using Greek letters and numerical equivalents rather than with Hebrew. That is where they get the concept that 666 is evil. As Jews, we don't concern ourselves with those beliefs because we don't believe in them. We only concern ourselves with Jewish beliefs and The Jewish Bible.

The profound mathematical consistencies that also exist in the New Testament are not a question of belief, they either exist or they don't. Chaim claimed [rightly so] that it's the very existence of these consistencies [in Chaim's case referring to the Jewish Bible] that form the most profound undergirding to any argument that the [Jewish in Chaim's case] Bible is an inspired work of G-d. So that must also be true of the Christian New Testament[or any other book,for that matter] if in fact those mathematical consistencies are present regardless of whether it's a different language or who believes it or chooses not to believe it. If I am missing something here could you please explain why such mathematical perfection proves you are right but Christians are not? In my estimation the perfection that exists in both cases simply points to a undeniable link between the two.

Dear Chaim What do you think about Kramer calling a black heckler a n.igger and telling him that 50 years he wouldn't have been let into a comedy club and jumping around pionting at the heckler and screaming "He's a [censored], he's a n.igger. Do you Support him?

Do you support anything anti-black or does it have to have some constructive purpose?

OK here's my big question. I have to tell you, I was kind of surprised that you dismissed gilgulim as an emunah tefeylah. Does this mean that you believe that the Zohar is incorrect? The vast majority of Rabbonim accept the authority of the Zohar and even use it to pasken halachah, most notably Rav yosef karo in the shulchan aruch used the Zohar ot decide whether or not to put tefilin on chol hamoed. He also used it many other cases to actually decide halachah for us. Also Rav Moshe Feinstein gave a psak and I have read it myself in which he said the Zohar has the halachic weight of the words of any Tanna and that the Arizal's works have the weight of the work of any Acharon. How can you dismiss the Zohar so easily and in effect call it  a book of emunah tefeylah?

Ok last question, is there anything I can do practically to help JTF? I don't have much money but is there anything else I can do to help?


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