Now!!! Ron Paul Dec. 16th Fund-Raiser!!
Filed under:
* Civil Rights
— @ 5:19 am
by Charles Coughlin
The great patriot, Ron Paul, is holding his biggest one-day fund-raiser, right now, Dec. 16th. The best way of defeating the mainstream media black out is for Ron Paul to collect a huge amount of money, completely eclipsing Romney and Giuliani.
You can fake polls, but you can’t fake fund-raising.
Most of us are sick and tired of the phony polls put out by Gallup and Rasmussen. An honest, cleanly-worded poll paid for by Alex Jones and done by Zogby showed Ron Paul beating Giuliani 33 to 19 percent among ordinary Americans.
A hugely successfully fund-raising will also convince even the most skeptical people that all this talk about Giuliani or Huckabee being front-runners is so much bunk.
Ron Paul started the day with $11,555,392. As of 27 minutes into the fund-raiser he has collected $238,242. An absolutely great start!!!
Go here to donate to Ron Paul: Ron Paul fund-raising can be tracked at the websites below: I see that $500 dollars had a few babies