Author Topic: Should I hand in this about jena 6.  (Read 985 times)

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Offline CorrieDeservedIt

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Should I hand in this about jena 6.
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:14:39 PM »
I have a paper do. And here part of what i wrote for the "my opinion part"
In your opinion is there any chance that i might get into
trouble for handing this in? Or having it tossed out. I also planned on writing
a second paper on anti-semitism today.

"The Jena 6 is a case that is about racisim in the
united states today, however the events that tookplace
and the action being taken is a joke. The nooses that
were hung were exposed to only be a joke targeted to
white students. However the actions taken against
justin barker were brutal. The previous attack
mentioned in the news about the black kid getting beat
up at a an "All-white" party was not in fact an all
white party because diversity was present at this
party. No medical facts were ever showed of the kid
suffering concussion. The attacks against Justin
barker was one with racial tension intended. The fact
that Justin Barker had nothing to do with the nooses
supports the claim that the only reason he was
attacked was because he was white. In the small town
of jena, many of it's residence have described it as
being a very happy and diverse town. In my opinion the
most idiotic thing out of all of this was the fact
that Al sharpton led the protest. This is purely
insane, the boys that commited an act of crime are now
being awarded "civil rights heros"? Not only that the
history of Al sharpton allows him no right to lead a
protest against racisim. His anti-semitic and racial
pas are horrid. In 1991 he led a group of protesters
to attack a jewish neighbordhood after a kid was
accidentally killed in a car accident. He has
previously made comments refferring to greeks as
"homos". Not only is there racisim but homophobic
comments sorounding this. This man is a joke and
should have never lead the charge , he discraces the
name of real civil rights leaders.  In 2007 most of our schools are very
diverse and hardly is racisim ever occurant. The
nooses seem to get alot of attention in the news and
alot of attention from the police and FBI. As far as
i'm concern this is no hate crime to me it is simply a
rope, nylon. Like a friend once said before "a noose
is only hate symbol if you let it be". The nooses
aren't probably intended to be racist but to get some
attention since most people know how much attention
they get in the first place. Instead of nonsenses such
as this one , police should be concenred about real
crime not a piece of rope."

heres a source i used.

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Re: Should I hand in this about jena 6.
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 09:12:30 PM »
Do you attend a public institution? I'd clean up the grammar and submit it. Initially, I supported the Jena 6, but that article that you cite as a source, as well as a MySpace page showing one of the "victims" flaunting the money he received from this, I made a complete 360. I even came up with a slogan.

 "Jena 6 Was BULLSH-T!"