I told you this would happen.
Duncan Hunter will also withdraw from the race in the next few weeks if not sooner.
Meanwhile, the entire Washington establishment is ganging up on Huckabee. Romney is outspending him 20 to 1. Our members who did not want Huckabee might get Romney. Believe me, that is something we will regret. Or even worse, John McCain yimach shmo vezichro (may his name and memory be obliterated) may yet win. The media is pushing for McCain and Republicans are so stupid, confused and desperate, he just might win in this situation, G-d forbid.
McCain is OBSESSED with opening up our borders completely. His best friend in the Senate is the murdering, raping alcoholic swine Ted Kennedy.
And McCain says that Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton deserve credit for their "peace" efforts in the Middle East. In other words, these two Jew-haters deserve credit for relentlessly pressuring tiny Israel to commit national suicide.
And McCain attacked the Clintons in 1999 for not murdering enough Serbs. McCain said that in addition to bombing the Serbs, we should send in ground troops to invade Serbia.
McCain is the incarnation of Satan. I pray that Huckabee can still stop him.