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Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty

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David Ben-Ariel:
"If you send us a copy of the information on King David and his relationship to the English Royal Family, plus a verification that such information has been validated and by whom, we will see to it that it gets to Buckingham Palace and that your name will accompany it."

Princess Diana, a Dream, and King David's Dynasty

David Ben-Ariel:

--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on November 26, 2006, 02:03:48 AM ---The British Royal Family is NOT from The Davidic Line.
--- End quote ---

Of course many Jews wouldn't want to believe this, but it's true. They alone continue to fulfill the promise/prophecy that David would always have someone reigning over at least a portion of the people of Israel. If somebody disagrees, so be it.

--- Quote --- British Freemasonry says Jesus settled in England and The Royal Family is from kids he had there.
--- End quote ---

I don't believe that at all, and the Sabbath-keeping Church of God (who believe the plain truth
Herbert W. Armstrong taught us), know that the Freemasons are pagan and occultic. Such a belief is totally separate from the understanding that Jeremiah took a descendant of King David to Ireland where the line continued into Scotland and now England and soon back to Jerusalem where it belongs.

It would be great for Prince William to attend the proposed gathering of descendants of King David in Jerusalem. Isn't it for 2007?

If Davidic decedents had arrived to the British Isles, where they forgot the Torah and reverted to the paganism of their surrounding, why is that so important then? I think the prophesy is about David house to rule over Israel in the name of god and not to become an idol worshiper ruler over some foreign pagan folk. 

I hope you won't be offended by my words. I think that people can and should be good and righteous, and there is no need to seek legitimacy by tracing bloodlines. The Hebrews too, so we are told, were once themselves poor and enslaved people who practiced paganism. 

Only Jews may claim ancestory from David HaMelech even if someones anscetor was David HaMelech if that person is not Jewish the connection is irrelevant

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
see how special Am Yisrael is, ppl want to be them.  ;)


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