Author Topic: The Japs can friggin get lost and leave our whales alone!  (Read 5676 times)

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Re: The Japs can friggin get lost and leave our whales alone!
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2007, 07:34:38 AM »
If you think invading jap militarists of the 1940s would have treated Australian Jews any differently to Australian gentiles, you're crazy.

Of course not, but the germans targetted the Jews almost exclusively, the Japs wouldn't have killed us solely because we were Jews.
The Americans helped save this country from them and hardly anyone ever acknowledges this fact, everyone is just anti-US to the core today because it's the fashionable thing to do.

Japs just kill anyone thats not Japs themselves, regardless, they didn't leave Jews alive they killed them as well. Most racist scum on this planet.

As for the thick Anti Yanks we have here they are leftie scum. The US are Allies, but also doesn't mean you have to be up their bums either.


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Re: The Japs can friggin get lost and leave our whales alone!
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2007, 08:32:12 AM »
If you think invading jap militarists of the 1940s would have treated Australian Jews any differently to Australian gentiles, you're crazy.

Of course not, but the germans targetted the Jews almost exclusively, the Japs wouldn't have killed us solely because we were Jews.
The Americans helped save this country from them and hardly anyone ever acknowledges this fact, everyone is just anti-US to the core today because it's the fashionable thing to do.


"Everybody" is NOT anti-American. Greenies, some uni students and some media personalities are........a 2% noisy minority. Listen to talk-back radio for a more realistic picture of what mainstream australia thinks. The fact that our social-democratic (supposedly centre left) political party, the ALP, MUST promise to maintain the US alliance to get elected is proof that the vast majority are pro-American. The fact that some disagree with one or two particular US positions does not make them anti-American.

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Re: The Japs can friggin get lost and leave our whales alone!
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2007, 04:47:24 PM »
If you think invading jap militarists of the 1940s would have treated Australian Jews any differently to Australian gentiles, you're crazy.

Of course not, but the germans targetted the Jews almost exclusively, the Japs wouldn't have killed us solely because we were Jews.
The Americans helped save this country from them and hardly anyone ever acknowledges this fact, everyone is just anti-US to the core today because it's the fashionable thing to do.

Japs just kill anyone thats not Japs themselves, regardless, they didn't leave Jews alive they killed them as well. Most racist scum on this planet.

As for the thick Anti Yanks we have here they are leftie scum. The US are Allies, but also doesn't mean you have to be up their bums either.

True the japs hate and kill everyone >:(


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Re: The Japs can friggin get lost and leave our whales alone!
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2007, 06:49:29 PM »


"Everybody" is NOT anti-American. Greenies, some uni students and some media personalities are........a 2% noisy minority. Listen to talk-back radio for a more realistic picture of what mainstream australia thinks. The fact that our social-democratic (supposedly centre left) political party, the ALP, MUST promise to maintain the US alliance to get elected is proof that the vast majority are pro-American. The fact that some disagree with one or two particular US positions does not make them anti-American.

I agree with Newman, its such a small amount of Leftie commie bastards that scream Anti Yank crap, and they are always welfare sucking leeches, or Uni students or worse  FERALS!