Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

PLAN Z4 - 1994/1995

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P L A N – Z4   !

In the year of 1995, a so called contact group sent by the UN created a plan named Z-4 with purpose to end the war in Croatia and Krajina between the Serbian minority and the Croatian government.

A short explanation of the content of this plan:
According to this plan the Serbian Republic of Krajina would reintegrate into Croatia. The agreed Serbian ethnic territories would get a full autonomy, with a Serbian flag, valuta, police and representatives in the Croatian government. It would end the war and provide rights to the Krajina Serbs. But Krajina would lose its state status and must reintegrate into Croatia.

Also according to this plan the Krajina Serbs would hand over 35% of the territory of RSK to the Croatians. 

The Croatians first rejected this plan but suddenly they singed it.
The Krajina Serbs in Knin under the government of Milan Martic did not accepted plan Z4 on time.

Milan Martic did not accept this plan because he was ordered by Slobodan Milosevic to reject it.


What do you think of the plan Z4?
And was it a good action of the Krajina Serbs to reject it?
Even today the opinions are divided.

On 02-08-1995,
Milan Babic minister of foreign affairs of the Serbian Republic of Krajina
singed the Plan Z4 in front of Peter Galbraight in Belgrade.

At the same time the Croatians surrounded Krajina and Peter Galbraight represented the strongest country of the world and he was able to stop the Croatian invasion against Krajina because the Plan Z4 was signed on
02-08-1995 by Milan Babic.

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
THink like a croat. 

You get their land but you give false sense of "freedom".

it sux


--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on December 30, 2007, 10:40:27 AM ---THink like a croat. 

You get their land but you give false sense of "freedom".

it sux

--- End quote ---

Everything was better than the Croatian invasion “oluja” against Krajina on 04-06-1995

Once the territory is "theirs",
they kill every non-NAZICROAT,
except the "neo"-NAZI VOLUNTEERS
sieg-heiling with them, in their rotten ranks...

 8;) 8;) 8;)

Take care,
when dealing with NAZICROATS...

But I agree,
everything (almost) was better than "oluja" ("storm")...


One better thing was to storm THEM.


Does anybody remember Peter Galbraight? The former USA ambassador in Croatia.

On 02-06-1995,
Milan Babic minister of foreign affairs of the Serbian Republic of Krajina
singed the Plan Z4 in front of Peter Galbraight in Belgrade.

At the same time the Croatians surrounded Krajina and Peter Galbraight represented the strongest country of the world and he was able to stop the Croatian invasion against Krajina because the Plan Z4 was signed on
02-08-1995 by Milan Babic.


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