NO! I like the fireworks
Some Gentile activites are nice, I even enjoy the chinese new year, you want to ban that too.
How about accepting not everyone is Jewish, and respecting their cultures if it doesn't harm anyone else.
I think some here are a bit of a "kill joy".
Oh my I have just realised, I am more left than the Doc

I notice the embitterment by some on this forum when there are parties. I know some people here become the way they are...when someone can't have something, then they accept certain rules that would disallow other to have the same thing so that they feel better and more empowered that they aren't alone...
However, in israel, jan 1st and dec 31st shouldn't be days that ISraelis ought to celebrate. It is a secular/non Jewish holiday..but the rest of the world is the rest of the world.
I puzzles me Doc, because no matter what has happen to the Jewish people they have never lost the ability to laugh and be entertained. Afterall look at all the famous Jews that create enjoyment for others.
G-d gave us a gift it would be a shame not to use it. Not so much celebrate the event, more of celebrate and enjoy the people around us.
Exactly and I agree with you. Now when Chaim suggests that Jews should not partake in celebrations which are secular or from other religions, he has a point. It's not goign to stop me from doing what i normally do.
You see, Chaim is rightfully idealistic. His visions might be prophetic. However, it's not realistic for me..not now...but I will hear him and not forget what he has said.
Jews do know how to celebrate...we just don't live in our homeland right now celebrating our holidays. We are living in galut celebrating others' holidays. We are a nation with our own culture. It's best celebrated in our homeland and idealistically we all shoudl live there...
in other words, we, who are in the galut, should not be gettign used to this lifestyle... We have to be prepared for the inevitble...we need to prepare our children and grandchildren to have the mindset to leave whereever we are in settle in Israel, Gd willing.
Now, in the bible, you notice that besides Joshua, non of the Israelite slaves ever got to live in Eretz yisrael. It's the curse of the galut. Some of us, including me, have this slave and galut mentality...I feel that for myself, if it is meant to be, that israel will be right for me and I will be right for Israel once my own family settles there...however, I have been so infused with American culture that Israeli culture will eat me alive...and i will not be able to be who I am to my full potential there than I can here..