Author Topic: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.  (Read 30804 times)

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2008, 07:07:36 PM »
Massuh, you left out Joe Clark........the greatest negro who ever lived.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2008, 07:09:52 PM »
Whether the movie itself is subtle is not the issue.............

In order to transform our society into whatever socialist 'utopia' the liberals want it must first be pulled down from within. To do THAT they must convince a suitable majority that it is of no worth, value or morallity and therefor needs drastic change. Openly attacking our history and society is too obvious so they make a constant series of little attacks over many decades. Forty years of movies depicting white society as racist, hostile, war-mongering, environment wreckers is doing just that. Look at the patriotism and positivity of pre-sixties American kids and compare it to todays rotten little turds.
I understand full-well what you're saying Newman. But remember, there are people in the world who view the "Klansmen" movie to be documented proof that ALL black people are animals and should therefore be lynched or killed by any means 'available'. Don't think I'm lost on the reality that there are movies dedicated to tearing down people who think a certain way. But I don't think that "The Great Debaters" is a movie that dicates that ALL white people are evil. I think the movie is more about taking responsibility for your own actions than anything else. I do become a little vexed when I hear/ read words in forums like "liberals" ,"Democraps", "politically correct" "Affirmative action people", and "liberal agenda" because those words basically mean that everything ANYONE does is for a reason having to do with politics. Sometimes its just cut and dry. For instance, we've had many arguments about your use of 70's T.V. shows to describe how blacks should act and think. (Which is a lot like me saying that every white person should think like the white guy represented in "Chico and the Man". :D) The reality is that everyone has hardships at some point in their lives its just the matter of finding inspiration to go on without getting caught up in the negativity that's out there. With that said, I'm glad movies like "Schindler's List", "JFK", "School Daze", "Bamboozled", "Jungle Fever", "Get On the Bus", "The Color Purple", "Imitation of Life", "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner", and "Roots" were ever made because they tackle issues that we actually had/have in America and abroad. It's not politcal, it's not about sticking it to "The Man", and it's not about affirmative action.


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2008, 07:15:04 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2008, 07:23:23 PM »
Just Erica:  "...Debaters isn't about a recent incident. It's about a time in America's history when blacks  in the South were thought of as incapable of holding a conversation, incapable of learning, incapable of having intelligence, incapable of thinking for know, things you think they are ALL about now..."

Erica, I take everyone one on one.
I don't judge all people by the actions of a few.
I do, however, judge those who commit atrocities against others, and I judge those whose ideology is pathological.  I happen to have lived in the South which you mention, and know for a fact that during those times the inner cities were not "urban war zones", people could go to sleep at night without locking their doors and windows, there were not large areas where every house and apartment had iron burglar bars on the doors and windows, there were far less Negroes doing time in Federal Prisons, and most black children learned the words "Yes, Ma'am" from their parents instead of "Me b yo' n*gg* Yo' f*** you, Ho'!" was not a perfect world then, but it was better for all concerned than the current "Fast Lane to Namibia".  Today one out of four Negro men are in prison, and possibly up to 50% of all Negroes in the U.S. are infected with the AIDS virus, out of wedlock children are standard fare, and businesses are forced by a tyrannical government to hire unfit and unqualified people who can't count change and who can't even speak clear English.  And yes, the scriptwriters are more than happy to turn out more crap to make viewers "feel good", rather than turn out quality work which inspires viewers to set goals and work hard to achieve them.  And, just for the record, I am "judgemental" towards each and all equally.  Young blacks would benefit far more from film biographies of Dr. Walter Williams or Dr. Alan Keyes, than they ever will watching race-based fantasies with agendas.

So now "The Great Debaters" is based on fantasy? Dr. Keys and Dr. Williams aren't scriptwriters or directors but I would read a book based on what they think about the way negative blacks mess it up for others.

I'm confused, though. Do you want people in the black community not to want something better for themselves or do you just want us to just trek "back to Africa"? What is it that you expect to see from the Black community? *Anecdotal, one of my daughters is dating one of those respectful "Yes ma'am, No, sir", intelligent young black men you say are missing from the old days so all isn't lost. Do you know why I don't think about how many blacks are in jail? I do it on purpose. Its not that I don't know that that's the problem, its just that there are so many other things to be thankful for, like the rest of the black community who have some hope left and are taking advantage of it. Imagine how sad and depressed I would be if I only thought 24/7 of people who had a choice to do right but chose otherwise. All of my blessings would have been blocked.

I look at the bright side... Not ALL blacks are infected with dosen't mean that education systems and even parents shouldn't hold town meetings based on abstainence or safer sex practices. Not ALL blacks are in jail... it doesn't mean that there should be less for black youths to do in the black community. Community centers like Boys & Girls clubs everywhere benefit from a rush of teens who only want good in their lives. I am always looking at the glass as if it's half full. Thinking that way is helping me to raise concious young women who will want more for their lives as they get older.


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2008, 07:25:32 PM »
Just Erica:  "...Debaters isn't about a recent incident. It's about a time in America's history when blacks  in the South were thought of as incapable of holding a conversation, incapable of learning, incapable of having intelligence, incapable of thinking for know, things you think they are ALL about now..."

Erica, I take everyone one on one.
I don't judge all people by the actions of a few.
I do, however, judge those who commit atrocities against others, and I judge those whose ideology is pathological.  I happen to have lived in the South which you mention, and know for a fact that during those times the inner cities were not "urban war zones", people could go to sleep at night without locking their doors and windows, there were not large areas where every house and apartment had iron burglar bars on the doors and windows, there were far less Negroes doing time in Federal Prisons, and most black children learned the words "Yes, Ma'am" from their parents instead of "Me b yo' n*gg* Yo' f*** you, Ho'!" was not a perfect world then, but it was better for all concerned than the current "Fast Lane to Namibia".  Today one out of four Negro men are in prison, and possibly up to 50% of all Negroes in the U.S. are infected with the AIDS virus, out of wedlock children are standard fare, and businesses are forced by a tyrannical government to hire unfit and unqualified people who can't count change and who can't even speak clear English.  And yes, the scriptwriters are more than happy to turn out more crap to make viewers "feel good", rather than turn out quality work which inspires viewers to set goals and work hard to achieve them.  And, just for the record, I am "judgemental" towards each and all equally.  Young blacks would benefit far more from film biographies of Dr. Walter Williams or Dr. Alan Keyes, than they ever will watching race-based fantasies with agendas.

So now "The Great Debaters" is based on fantasy? Dr. Keys and Dr. Williams aren't scriptwriters or directors but I would read a book based on what they think about the way negative blacks mess it up for others.

I'm confused, though. Do you want people in the black community not to want something better for themselves or do you just want us to just trek "back to Africa"? What is it that you expect to see from the Black community? *Anecdotal, one of my daughters is dating one of those respectful "Yes ma'am, No, sir", intelligent young black men you say are missing from the old days so all isn't lost. Do you know why I don't think about how many blacks are in jail? I do it on purpose. Its not that I don't know that that's the problem, its just that there are so many other things to be thankful for, like the rest of the black community who have some hope left and are taking advantage of it. Imagine how sad and depressed I would be if I only thought 24/7 of people who had a choice to do right but chose otherwise. All of my blessings would have been blocked.

I look at the bright side... Not ALL blacks are infected with dosen't mean that education systems and even parents shouldn't hold town meetings based on abstainence or safer sex practices. Not ALL blacks are in jail... it doesn't mean that there should be less for black youths to do in the black community. Community centers like Boys & Girls clubs everywhere benefit from a rush of teens who only want good in their lives. I am always looking at the glass as if it's half full. Thinking that way is helping me to raise concious young women who will want more for their lives as they get older.

But if the glass is half-full of sh*t, the 'half-full, half-empty' debate is meaningless.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2008, 07:31:07 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2008, 07:31:45 PM »
Just Erica:  "...Debaters isn't about a recent incident. It's about a time in America's history when blacks  in the South were thought of as incapable of holding a conversation, incapable of learning, incapable of having intelligence, incapable of thinking for know, things you think they are ALL about now..."

Erica, I take everyone one on one.
I don't judge all people by the actions of a few.
I do, however, judge those who commit atrocities against others, and I judge those whose ideology is pathological.  I happen to have lived in the South which you mention, and know for a fact that during those times the inner cities were not "urban war zones", people could go to sleep at night without locking their doors and windows, there were not large areas where every house and apartment had iron burglar bars on the doors and windows, there were far less Negroes doing time in Federal Prisons, and most black children learned the words "Yes, Ma'am" from their parents instead of "Me b yo' n*gg* Yo' f*** you, Ho'!" was not a perfect world then, but it was better for all concerned than the current "Fast Lane to Namibia".  Today one out of four Negro men are in prison, and possibly up to 50% of all Negroes in the U.S. are infected with the AIDS virus, out of wedlock children are standard fare, and businesses are forced by a tyrannical government to hire unfit and unqualified people who can't count change and who can't even speak clear English.  And yes, the scriptwriters are more than happy to turn out more crap to make viewers "feel good", rather than turn out quality work which inspires viewers to set goals and work hard to achieve them.  And, just for the record, I am "judgemental" towards each and all equally.  Young blacks would benefit far more from film biographies of Dr. Walter Williams or Dr. Alan Keyes, than they ever will watching race-based fantasies with agendas.

So now "The Great Debaters" is based on fantasy? Dr. Keys and Dr. Williams aren't scriptwriters or directors but I would read a book based on what they think about the way negative blacks mess it up for others.

I'm confused, though. Do you want people in the black community not to want something better for themselves or do you just want us to just trek "back to Africa"? What is it that you expect to see from the Black community? *Anecdotal, one of my daughters is dating one of those respectful "Yes ma'am, No, sir", intelligent young black men you say are missing from the old days so all isn't lost. Do you know why I don't think about how many blacks are in jail? I do it on purpose. Its not that I don't know that that's the problem, its just that there are so many other things to be thankful for, like the rest of the black community who have some hope left and are taking advantage of it. Imagine how sad and depressed I would be if I only thought 24/7 of people who had a choice to do right but chose otherwise. All of my blessings would have been blocked.

I look at the bright side... Not ALL blacks are infected with dosen't mean that education systems and even parents shouldn't hold town meetings based on abstainence or safer sex practices. Not ALL blacks are in jail... it doesn't mean that there should be less for black youths to do in the black community. Community centers like Boys & Girls clubs everywhere benefit from a rush of teens who only want good in their lives. I am always looking at the glass as if it's half full. Thinking that way is helping me to raise concious young women who will want more for their lives as they get older.

But if the glass is half-full of sh*t, the 'half-full, half-empty' debate is meaningless.
That may be YOUR glass. Mine is half full of hope. It'll be topped off one day. :)


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2008, 07:38:20 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2008, 07:43:53 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2008, 07:48:10 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2008, 07:58:33 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

I'm taking a break now so if you post anything and I'm not  here, I didn't run away from your questions or debate statements; I'm simply going to prepare dinner for my family. :)

« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 08:01:25 PM by Just Erica »


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2008, 08:02:21 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2008, 08:04:21 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2008, 08:05:56 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2008, 08:13:49 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?
I can't even find the topic. I may have to eat my words (which I'm prepared to do) because a LOT of people here (save a few) DID/ DO support the film. The topic was brought up months ago.


  • Guest
Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2008, 08:15:37 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?
I can't even find the topic. I may have to eat my words (which I'm prepared to do) because a LOT of people here (save a few) DID/ DO support the film. The topic was brought up months ago.

Put on you napkin, get out your fork & spoon and commence shovelling!

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2008, 08:22:29 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?
I can't even find the topic. I may have to eat my words (which I'm prepared to do) because a LOT of people here (save a few) DID/ DO support the film. The topic was brought up months ago.

Put on you napkin, get out your fork & spoon and commence shovelling!
If I'm wrong, what will I be eating besides my words?
lol A better question would be, though, "Have you ever watched "Birth of a Nation"?


  • Guest
Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2008, 08:26:54 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?
I can't even find the topic. I may have to eat my words (which I'm prepared to do) because a LOT of people here (save a few) DID/ DO support the film. The topic was brought up months ago.

Put on you napkin, get out your fork & spoon and commence shovelling!
If I'm wrong, what will I be eating besides my words?
lol A better question would be, though, "Have you ever watched "Birth of a Nation"?

And I never praised it like you accused me of doing.

So chow down, girl.


You can put mayonaise on your words if you want.

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2008, 09:45:02 PM »
But the INTENDED result of viewing such films is for 18 year old whites to think................"Oh my, how terrible".

When they've done that 200 times the result is......."Oh my G-d! We're a horrible, evil society!!!!!!! What can I do to make ammends?........I know, I'll reject ALL from our past and embrace this new multicultural, social-democratic philosophy"

That's how it works.
What is the intended result of watching "The Birth of a Nation", Newman? To tell blacks "Oh, damn! We're all animals! We're all predisposed to raping white women! Kill us now!"? What went on based on the movie we're speaking of is not a new idea. It's to point out that blacks were told they weren't important enough to do ANYTHING but it also documents how ONE TEAM made a difference. As for what YOU think the movie is saying, I don't want an apology from white people who have nothing to do with what went on in this period film. You and other whites here don't owe blacks ANYTHING. I wish you would stop inferring that you know what people would think if they saw this movie. What if two friends (one white and one black) went to view the movie and both cheered for the accomplishments the team made. Would you say that that white friend is 'brainwashed by multiculturalism and a diversity-driven society"?

One movie doesn't 'brain-wash' anybody, Erica. But dozens, scores and hundreds of movies since the late sixties (along with indoctrination from liberal teachers and college professors) will.

It's like a tiny spec of fly paper (contains arsenic) in your coffee won't cause you any harm. But that tiny bit every day for 20+ years certainly will.

It's called the 'cumulative effect'.
Then it's safe to say that "The Great Debaters" won't brain wash white people into having a guilt complex.

And fyi... The "Klansmen" movie inspired LOTS of ignorant whites to join the KKK. "The Great Debaters" stands to make a lot more black kids want to stay in school and continue their education. Which is more positive to you? (Or does it matter?)
Like it's safe to say one cigarette ain't dangerous.

There's no comparrison.

There are not pro-kkk films being released in mainstream media to the tunes of dozens every year for decades. Secondly the ideas behind those kkk-type movies are not reinforced at school and college.

Thank goodness for that.

However I've seen  you praise the "Klansmen" movie. What does that say about you?

And that theory about depends on whether or not you believe it will kill you. I don't smoke because my grandmother had smoking-related illnesses. Not everyone will die from smoking, though.  Just like not everyone who watched "the Klansmen" became KKKlowns.

That's a rank lie, Erika!!

I've NEVER heard of the klansman movie......let alone 'praised' it!!!!!!

I've NO truck with the kkk......never have, never will.

Where did I alledgedly do that? Put up or shut up.
The movie I'm referring to is "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen".


So where & when did I supposedly praise the film?
I can't even find the topic. I may have to eat my words (which I'm prepared to do) because a LOT of people here (save a few) DID/ DO support the film. The topic was brought up months ago.

Put on you napkin, get out your fork & spoon and commence shovelling!
If I'm wrong, what will I be eating besides my words?
lol A better question would be, though, "Have you ever watched "Birth of a Nation"?

And I never praised it like you accused me of doing.

So chow down, girl.


You can put mayonaise on your words if you want.
I hate mayo, but I suppose I deserve to gulp a couple of spoonsful down. Sorry.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2008, 10:38:33 PM »
Re:  "... "The Birth of a Nation" which is also dubbed as the "Klansmen"..."

D.W. Griffith was an extraordinary film maker, and The Birth of a Nationis a great work of art.  Griffith also produced Intolerance, which should be required viewing.  The ending is shows Jesus Christ standing in the backyard of a Deep South Mansion over a Bar-B-Que Pit, serving all the good white folks plates of Bar-B-Que Pork Ribs!  That is supposed to represent what good people have to look forward to when they go to Heaven.
I've also read the classic novel The Klansman.  It should be required reading for all history majors, shedding much light on the life and times of Southerners during and after the farce known as "Reconstruction".  A true and accurate lesson of what took place during "Reconstruction" is nowhere to be found in our high school textbooks.  The subject is "glossed over" with euphemisms.  Nowhere is mentioned that whites were forbidden to vote; blacks were given the vote and promised white properties, and the State Legislature Houses of the South were filled with barefoot illiterate newly freed slaves...the new legislators as decreed from Washington.  A Jewish mulatto from the State Dept. was given charge of overseeing the "reconstruction" of the South, and he envisioned a "New South" of Black Plantation Owners with whites doing menial labor; another social engineering nutjob just like the ones we have in power today.  Gone was an elegant and unique culture in which the most highly educated white people established an agriculturally based civilization.  As today so too then; an expansionist Northern ruled industrial culture ruling with a heavily militarized economic base vs a more land-based Southern society with peaceful intentions, fully capable and self-governed, which resented being told what to do by outsiders.

Offline George Taylor

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2008, 10:47:28 PM »
Anyone else who feels insulted having to endure a movie that claims blacks beat the Harvard debating team, Please speak up.

I'm surprised no one has picked up on this yet. The *magic* negroes portrayed in this film actually debated and won against the University of South California, NOT Harvard. It's just more Afrocentric nonsense...

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #46 on: January 17, 2008, 11:46:17 PM »
Anyone else who feels insulted having to endure a movie that claims blacks beat the Harvard debating team, Please speak up.

I'm surprised no one has picked up on this yet. The *magic* negroes portrayed in this film actually debated and won against the University of South California, NOT Harvard. It's just more Afrocentric nonsense...
Do any of you want to see blacks do anything good?

Joe Schmo

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #47 on: January 17, 2008, 11:46:55 PM »
Do any of you want to see blacks do anything good?

Of course we do.

Just Erica

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2008, 11:49:15 PM »
Do any of you want to see blacks do anything good?

Of course we do.
Then why bash a movie based on blacks doing something positive. It isn't "Boyz in the Hood".

Joe Schmo

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Re: The Great Debaters is Insulting my intelligence.
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2008, 11:51:10 PM »
Do any of you want to see blacks do anything good?
Of course we do.
Then why bash a movie based on blacks doing something positive. It isn't "Boyz in the Hood".

We bash the movie because it is politically correct garbage.