Israel > Save Israel
Why not a wall around all Israel?
hehe, wanna hear smolmert laughing? say it to him!
--- Quote from: yephora on August 29, 2006, 12:53:28 PM ---Jewishron said: "A wall sends an anti-social message to the world..."
Are you a liberal? Because I think only a liberal could come up with something like that.
The world wants Israel gone and Jews dead. Who cares what message a self-protecting wall sends them?
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Labels bore me to be honest.
Am I a liberal. Who I am and what I believe is really none of your business. However labeling me or anyone is just posturiing on your part. Am I suppose to defend myself against your accusation that I am a Liberal? Well I am not. I dont owe you or anyone an escuse for my point of view.
Now back to the issue. "I care" that building a wall sends an anti-social message to the world. I care that by building a wall Jews will be cut off from the rest of the world. I dont believe that as you say "the world wants israel gone and jews dead". If that were the case guess what we would all be dead because we, jews, are not in the majority of any census in anywhere in the world except for israel which ironically suffers the most jewish carnage other than anywhere else in the world... Saying the "world" wants all jews dead is paranoid political posturing on your part with the desried effect of support... Dont get me wrong I am well aware of the great mass of anti-semitism out there, the same way there is racism, and bigotry towards others as well.
A very impotant lesson in any diplomatic venture is to anticipate the possible reaction to an action. What would the response and results be from builiding a wall? I dont know myself I am putting the question out there...
And to have a completely Jewsih state rich with nothing but Jewish citizenry, wouldnt that get a little boring after a while? Dont we want to meet people from other cultures and dare I say embrace them as friends? wouldnt a wall prevent this?
Terrorists should be killed on sight, the problem is figuring out who they are folks.
Please dont come back with a repsonse like "just nuke all Arab Countires and be done with it. I am sure someone out there is temepted to write such a suggestion.
#1. Labels are bad? What's wrong with labels? You mean the "liberal" word? Are you Torah observant? I bet not. I will bet you are not a religious Jew at all... you sound like a self-hating Jew who wants what he wants.
#2. When Israel built the walls in ancient times... were they sending an anti-social message to the world? Is it anti-social to separate from people who want to kill you?
#3. The people you want to be diplomatic to... is that possible? I mean SERIOUSLY. Is that a possibility? Has diplomacy ever helped over there? Ever? Isn't history worth looking at?
#4. Make friends??? Have you ever been there?? Are you on the same planet? This is earth.
#5. Boring if it's all Jews? Are you serious? Are Jews boring or have they ever been boring? That's a pretty lame argument.
Look, I'm not for the wall idea... I think we should handle this with a some military "diplomacy"... like crush them if they attack and take the Biblical land from them every time. This way, we don't need a wall. They won't attack if they know they'll all be dead or - at the least - lose more land.
You don't like to hear that because it's not "NICE". Look, that would actually save the most lives. Instead of wars carrying on for thousands of years, it would be over. You don't think that's important? THINK for yourself... and let go of the "too nice for your own good" mentality. That immoral and stupid ideology kills Jews.
Why no wall? I'd be up for the wall if it was the entire Biblical land of Israel but this wall they are building is a little short on land.
--- Quote from: yephora on August 28, 2006, 12:41:32 PM ---A wall would lock them out, not you. You'd be free to come and go.
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That is what the Bolsheviks like to tell you.
--- Quote from: yephora on August 28, 2006, 12:41:32 PM ---But why would you want to go where they are anyway?
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The wall would not surround the true Israel and this land is our land.
--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on August 28, 2006, 02:21:56 PM ---A wall would be a great idea if we were talking about the Mexican border, but in this case, nothing short of expulsion of the enemy population is the best solution.
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Nothing but the expulsion of the enemy population here in America would be the best solution also!
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