Author Topic: Why not a wall around all Israel?  (Read 19927 times)

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Offline jewishron

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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2006, 02:14:17 PM »
Yirmiyahu said: "Jewish Ron: Open your eyes and just face reality."

Liberals can't. They are divorced from reality. That's why they are liberal.

HaHa I am not a liberal in this regard I just dont agree with you. apparently that is beyond your comprehension... Can two people who are for the most part conservative in their ideas disagree without one being called a liberal or the other term that is thrown around this forum like a frisbee on a beach "self hating jew".  It doesnt seem so. If an idea is expressed that doesnt gell with you ideas I am accused of being a liberal or self hating jew... who are you people to determine anything about anyone really? very self rightous of you


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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2006, 02:40:27 PM »
Jewishron wrote: "who are you people to determine anything about anyone?"

You come here and express your views. We read and draw our conclusions.

Seems equitable enough.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2006, 04:11:04 PM »
who are you people to determine anything about anyone really? very self rightous of you

Ummm... so how then do you determine anything about anyone (like calling people self-righteous)? Are you self-righteous that you can determine anything but others can't? Can you even spell righteous (see quote)?

Obviously you aren't religious... you have a bunch of cliche things you believe from television that contradict... you insult the people in the forum who condemn evil behaviour... your leanings are completely opposite this group... and you haven't written much other than insults and high-and-mighty, ignorant condemnations.

Why are you posting in here? Are you just trying to stir up trouble? You won't even answer my questions... probably because you can't because your views easily break down under scrutiny or closer examination.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Maimonides

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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2006, 04:26:30 PM »
A wall would be a great idea if we were talking about the Mexican border, but in this case, nothing short of expulsion of the enemy population is the best solution.

Nothing but the expulsion of the enemy population here in America would be the best solution also!

I agree. But could you elaborate on exactly who the enemy is?

The enemy is Islam and don't say "oh i know some nice Muslims in my life"

Yes of course the Muslims will act nicely to you in person NOW. However when they are the majority and feel secure hold onto your head because it will be on the chopping block.

As for your comments on the boredom of an all Jewish State. Do you enjoy being a minority dihimmtude?
Is your family boring because they are all from the same ethic background?
The fact is people naturally gravitate and belong to certain communities. Jews in order to be truly secured need to have a sovereign nation where they are the majority.
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides

Offline jewishron

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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2006, 09:58:42 PM »
A wall would be a great idea if we were talking about the Mexican border, but in this case, nothing short of expulsion of the enemy population is the best solution.

Nothing but the expulsion of the enemy population here in America would be the best solution also!

I agree. But could you elaborate on exactly who the enemy is?

The enemy is Islam and don't say "oh i know some nice Muslims in my life"

Yes of course the Muslims will act nicely to you in person NOW. However when they are the majority and feel secure hold onto your head because it will be on the chopping block.

As for your comments on the boredom of an all Jewish State. Do you enjoy being a minority dihimmtude?
Is your family boring because they are all from the same ethic background?
The fact is people naturally gravitate and belong to certain communities. Jews in order to be truly secured need to have a sovereign nation where they are the majority.

nothing worng with jews having soveirgnty over their own state. however a little diversity doesnt hurt

Offline Maimonides

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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2006, 02:20:05 PM »
A wall would be a great idea if we were talking about the Mexican border, but in this case, nothing short of expulsion of the enemy population is the best solution.

Nothing but the expulsion of the enemy population here in America would be the best solution also!

I agree. But could you elaborate on exactly who the enemy is?

The enemy is Islam and don't say "oh i know some nice Muslims in my life"

Yes of course the Muslims will act nicely to you in person NOW. However when they are the majority and feel secure hold onto your head because it will be on the chopping block.

As for your comments on the boredom of an all Jewish State. Do you enjoy being a minority dihimmtude?
Is your family boring because they are all from the same ethic background?
The fact is people naturally gravitate and belong to certain communities. Jews in order to be truly secured need to have a sovereign nation where they are the majority.

nothing worng with jews having soveirgnty over their own state. however a little diversity doesnt hurt

Non-Jews can live in Israel as long as they follow the Noachide Laws, which are laws all Jews already have to follow but are not all the laws they follow the non-Jews can keep their identity.
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides


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Re: Why not a wall around all Israel?
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2006, 11:00:57 AM »
I think a wall should be built surrounding all of Israel from the river to the sea. Let's have an all out war with the winner taking all and the loser leaving.

O.k war! good idea Daniel! Suit up and get your kids and all the children in your family to suit up and go to war...  Lead the way daniel! Hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish people and most importantly jewish children will be killed because of you idiotic suggestion.
  Ron, it is GOING to happen inevitably...WAKE UP!!!  The Western World has enjoyed unprecedented peace since the end of WWII.  The kind of thinking that you exhibit is the product of a peaceful life.  Oh how wonderful it would be if this fantasy of freedom and security could go on forever.  It cannot. 

  All the white babies that have been murdered in the name of abortion (feminist selfishness) have--in effect--signed our death warrant.  Islam is claiming Europe and Mexico is doing the same in America.  Killing--unfortunately--is human nature.  It is human nature to feel closer to those that are similar to yourself.  The one-world, borderless, giant love-boat scenario only works on T.V.