Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms

Of kids and guns

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I have seen an interesting trend. Majority of Ladies are very anti-gun. No matter where they hail from around the world. There are exceptions these are the ladies that grew up hunting and fishing and grew up in rural areas mostly or had a parent that was very active in shooting.

Honestly that is why many of those that are against guns use women a lot in the campaigns.

I grew up in the suburbs and never hunted, though my gradfather did, my dad was in the military and collected guns, same as my brother now.  I think that having guns in the house, being taught about them and to use them at a young age made them less facinating for us, it was just a part of life that we gave little thought to.  Some of my brothers friends were just just facinated by a gun when they were teenagers, they had never seen one other than on TV and certainly never held one or used one...those seem to be the kids more likely to play around and have an accident.
My brother is teaching my son to shoot, he started when he was 9 and loves it.

White Israelite:
There are always exceptions like Kip Kinkel but the majority of kids like you mentioned who are raised around guns are taught to respect them and end up being responsible/respectful around firearms.

My first exposure to firearms was when I lived in Chicago. The D.A.R.E. police officers in our school always taught us that guns were dangerous and not to touch them, but the problem was they kept kid ignorant about firearms. They just told them not to touch them and affiliated guns with gangs.

My father on the other hand was a large collector of these so called "assault rifles" and "handguns" and was very responsible around them. Like mentioned, we had set up the basement partially for shooting. I was taken to the shooting ranges and learned gun safety, my mother didn't like it though and was heavily against it. Even had my dad return a ruger .22 rifle that he had bought me for my 10th birthday.

After my father passed away, I tried to get involved in guns again when we moved, and by my 21st birthday, I bought my first handgun. I'm 22 today and I continue to buy firearms as a collector, a hobbyist, a supporter of the 2nd amendment, a survivalist, and a individual who is concerned about history repeating it's self.

When I have a family, I will teach my kids to use guns at an early age and responsibly. I grew up with toy guns, I grew up with violent games and movies, but at the same time I was mature enough to know the difference with a firearm and a toy, reality and fantasy.


--- Quote from: KansasJew on January 04, 2008, 10:01:11 AM ---I have seen an interesting trend. Majority of Ladies are very anti-gun. No matter where they hail from around the world. There are exceptions these are the ladies that grew up hunting and fishing and grew up in rural areas mostly or had a parent that was very active in shooting.

Honestly that is why many of those that are against guns use women a lot in the campaigns.

--- End quote ---

I agree the tend is there, but many I think its not so anti gun more of protecting their children.


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