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As we approach the December holidays VS ACLU pigs Thread
As we now approach the holiday season for Jew and Christian through out December. And the ACLU is already on a frantic to put their nose where it doesn't belong. They want a ban on Christmas and Hannakah for school children but promotes Ramadan to non muslim students. They want to target anything to do with the Nativity in public even though this is how we do have Christmas it is a very sacred holiday for the coming of our Lord and Savior in the Christian faith but the ACLU condems that or wreaths in public but do not condem Mosques in the US that promotes violence. When it comes to Christian and Jewish holidays in a public forum the ACLU starts the seperation of church and state BUT for Islam it is freedom of religon.
Yes such things are stupid.
The ACLU never cerises to amaze me, and the silly thing the most is most people like the holidays, if not for its religious values but for the values of giving and the story's of snowmen ,Santa and all the trees and lights.
Its good for the kids.
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