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Is the meat Halal? This got me pissed off.

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ITS A HOLIDAY PARTY. HOLIDAY. NOT SPECIFICALLY CHRISTMAS. HOLIDAY. All year end holidays are represented. I think they call it a winter solstice party actually but its the year end holiday party. The point is not why are they offering these foods during a Christmas party you nitwits. Its why are they ONLY focusing on Islamic needs and ignoring the needs of others.

Jeeeeez. Cant even have an intelligent convo here anymore.

Did you read the first sentence of my post?


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on November 27, 2006, 09:59:16 PM ---Why should they serve Kosher food or Halal food at a Christmas party? It is also politically correct nonsense that they call it a "holiday" party. It is Christmas. I get offended as a Jew if they try to compare Hanukkah with Christmas. Christmas parties should be Christian and not Jewish OR Muslim. It is not a Ramadan party so there is no need for Halal food. If it was a Hanukkah party, then there should be kosher food.

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I agree with you totally. I'm sick and tired of all the complacent marketing ploys and commercials referring to Hanukkah and Christmas as "The Holidays." Its disgusting when they try to mash it all into there. Hanukkah, Christmas, ramadan, "kwanzaa"...

You see these diverse, politically correct commercials of materialistic people that seem almost completely blissful and oblivious of the problems in the world.

Not 1 person would answer my questions at work only to tell me that I am over reacting. If I could leave my job today I would. I cant stand working for such a liberal organization. Cant stand it.


--- Quote from: The5Foota on November 29, 2006, 08:59:38 AM ---Not 1 person would answer my questions at work only to tell me that I am over reacting. If I could leave my job today I would. I cant stand working for such a liberal organization. Cant stand it.

--- End quote ---

I sympathize entirely. I am at university, and it really gets my goat. Recently we had an 'interfaith' service at the Chapel...

The issue here is that they have ignored Kosher and only covered Halal. Well, there are other restrictions on diet too.

I do not eat meat, fish, eggs, onion, garlic, mushroom, because I follow a strict (and actually, monotheist) Hindu sect. Do I make a fuss? No. I just eat what I can, or bring my own.

The only difference is that muzzies make more noise than anyone else on planet because their religion is  basically just an inadequate pyramid selling scheme which is psychosexually oriented around paedophilia.

What do you think of my analysis?


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