Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms

Citi Credit Card Rejects Firearms Industry

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I have always found CitiBank to be a decent company to deal with. I think that in todays world with the recent incidents of people getting a hold of a gun and then going to the mall or a school and plucking people off I can see them wanting no part of gun transactions like this. Most companies today don't want the bad publicity of even being implicated in any sort of unpleasant situation and they feel that they will get drawn into a court battle by being part of the transaction. I think CitiBank is trying to get the fact that they are apposed to this type of commerce on record. Then even if the gun company pushes their hand and forces them to accept the transactions by law CitiBank can always say they wanted out but were forced continue card services. As far as the charge back money goes if thats the agreement that was made when the account was opened I guess the gun company has to abide by it.

It is not the responiblity of the Credit Card company to force any possible moral codes on the general public. Just keep personal issues out of business.


--- Quote from: KansasJew on January 07, 2008, 11:06:02 PM ---It is not the responiblity of the Credit Card company to force any possible moral codes on the general public. Just keep personal issues out of business.

--- End quote ---
I agree with you however companies like CitiBank are not concerned about moral codes they are worried about being drawn into a legal situation and bad publicity.

White Israelite:
I'm pulling my business accounts with citibank, I won't do business with anti-gun companies and I will urge other gun owners to do the same.

I would also recommend if you have any Investment accounts these should be transferred to another agency.  :)


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