I am sorry if you were a dud in HS dating. If you were it was entirely because of yourself, and not anything anyone else did.
This 'idea' that a person is responsible for everything - meaning that they somehow had a 'choice' over what genetic makeup to be born with, what environment to be raised in as a suckling babe, and how society has shaped other people's opinions and attitudes - yes, even this very idea is a hallmark of people with primitive minds.
I salute you, for being such a thorough-going primitive.
"unlimited" Women and jobs?? What jobs? Washing dishes? Raking leaves? Mowing lawns? And what women do they get? Oh yeah..those 5' 2" mexican dishwashers are drowning in women! Where do you get these absurdities?
Here in Britain, the average black Caribbean is less likely to be unemployed than the average white, AND is more likely to be in a professional job - which includes public sector work. The public sector has levelled out the playing field tremendously. Here in Britain our National Health Service accounts for about 1/3 of all government spending alone. That means many tens of thousands of jobs for groups that the government wants to make 'more equal', including ethnic 'minorities'. Black men are routinely lionized in the media and make up a disproportionate number of soccer stars (who get paid millions a year), models, actors, TV newsreaders ... all of which are fine, well-paid middle class jobs.
Oh, and as for the attitude of your beloved white woman towards the darker guys? Don't even take my word for it - go for a walk around your nearest decent-sized city on a Friday night. Take a walk past the school in the morning and see all those white mothers taking their half-caste kids to school. White women have abandoned white males and only the hubris and ignorance of the latter prevents us all from seeing this clearly.

You dont have the strength or moral character to be a monk. You are too pathetic to be contemptable though. If you are not a trolling snert, than you are a bizarre, self hating little zero.
I really don't want to have anything to do with people of your type or your AOL-style-insults - I know your type. You are like those computer experts who sit at their office all day making sarcastic jokes to sooth their own feeling of inadequacy. YOu are like those groups of middle class white people who sit around with each other, looking moody and taking turns to give passers-by the most condescending and confidence-sapping looks possible.
I had a dream last night, which told me not to go out. I went into the shop, to buy some aftershave and a lighter. And as I was sniffing the aftershave, two gigantic, 7-foot-tall negroes came into the shop ... and I was astonished. But I tried to overcome my feelings of anxiety and turned back to continue examining the aftershave. Then two more gigantic black bulls came in, followed by two more. I went off my head and began one of my frequent nervous breakdowns which I often have when walking in the middle of the city. I wandered about the shop looking for the computer games section but ended up in the section with children's books. I wandered dizzily to the back of the shop and exited into a narrow little back street. I went round a nearby corner and saw a man. He told me a story and it was in flash-back mode: it was him being raised by his father, running around the island, his father inculcating the son in the local culture, showing him the boundaries of the land, and saying, 'Don't you think this is worth preserving?' So then we flash back and the man is now pushing the traffic cones further back, and saying, 'It is my pride after all those years to be ...' at which point I injected and said, 'pushing back the cultural boundaries?' I know in retrospect that I shouldn't have been impressed but I was in the dream. We stood on the edge of the sea together, and a friend of his came along. I felt like he was now excluding me as he was laughing with his friend, so I made to leave. He told me to go to a shop - forgotten the name - and to get some snow combat fatigues. He never said the real reason why but I assumed it was to help him reclaim the local culture by killing the blacks. Then my dream flashed into a mode of watching horse-and-cart pictures of the local area, as I was searching on Google (in my dream) for statistics on negroes in this place I was at. All I found was dead-end websites. Then I saw the local paper and I saw that locals had written in to complain about the number of blacks and Third Worlders moving in. Then my dream flashed to a funny little man parading up and down in his garden on 16 Februrary 2006, and he was talking about non-whites. I asked him to clarify and he said there were 12,000 negroes in Scotland. I was flabbergasted. Then I went up his stairs and he began making a zooming noise. I got stuck and couldn't go past him because he was going insane.
This morning I didn't go into town because your message upset me so much. If I had gone into town and seen large black men, with all their money, and attractive white girls who are racist against me drooling over them, I would have collapsed because your message sapped all my confidence this morning. You made me cry.
I really want to kill myself this morning.