Author Topic: As much as I hate Spielberg ....  (Read 8996 times)

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Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2006, 10:08:23 PM »
Perhaps people that look like eggplants are mistaken for actual eggplants and that is why cannibalism is high in the dark continent.

What is the concencus on the film Schindler's list? Was Schindler the great man the film protrayed him to be? I would like to think so but don't know either way.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline jewishron

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2006, 10:58:32 PM »
JEFFGUY, CJD, VITO, the collective reasoning of the three of you together couldnt tread water in bathtub. Nor could you possibly compose enough brain activity to insult me. So trust me when I say this, If I get banned as "Jeffguy" thinks I will so be it, I will certainly not lose any sleep over it. And believe me when I tell you this , I am not the least bit angry in anyway depsite the fact that you think I am "being slammed" pretty hard in here... This is kiddy play as far as arguments and debates go.       

Offline jewishron

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2006, 11:36:46 PM »
Perhaps people that look like eggplants are mistaken for actual eggplants and that is why cannibalism is high in the dark continent.

What is the concencus on the film Schindler's list? Was Schindler the great man the film protrayed him to be? I would like to think so but don't know either way.

All I personally know about Oscar Schindler is what was depicted in the film. And in the film he certainly wasnt interested in saving the Jews from certain death until he saw the Pogrom in the ghetto and the little girl in the red coat whom he later saw buried underneath a stack of dead bodies. He was depicted as a charismatic business man and he used his charm to sway the third reich into allowing jews to wokr in his factory which later became a safe house for many jews.
I think the sacrifice he made to save the Jews he saved would certainly earn him an eternity in heaven.   

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2006, 12:10:39 AM »
Schindler's widow seemed to remember him as a no-count alcoholic who cared much more about getting rich in Nazi-occupied Europe than he cared about saving any "Jews".  She seemed to infer that Oscar's keeping the Jews alive was merely because he needed slave labor, and the Jews were reliable workers.  I can not personally make a judgement, as I didn't know the man or his circumstances, and very few people are entirely good or entirely bad; most of us being extremely complex at best as we attempt to adapt to changing circumstances.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2006, 12:16:03 AM »
keep in mind thats his ex wife
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2006, 12:18:49 AM »
This is the one and only ‘FJACK’ coming into the fight. Now let us look at this logically, here we have a wonderful county and it is being invaded by parasites that are unable to fend for themselves coming from their 'treasured homeland that they still have a bond with', who have destroyed our neigh hoods, who have been the beneficiaries of welfare, special ed (because these children’s are all bastards who have no idea who their padre is, have untold dieses such as tb, bed bugs, drug addicted, boozed brained idiots and IQs that would embarrass a snail, rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, wife (if they have any ) beaters, are unable to learn no matter how much pre school, black history, mentors, ,meetings by self hating Jew 'educational experts' from Harvard, Yale and nyu who petition that we need more and more money to give these sub humans. These creatures should be put on a high tech reservation where they will be dropped with a daily supply of crack, unlimited malt liquor, fat sterilized white women like ricki lake and the beasts you see in social studies classes. Gangster rap videos being blasted for free on monitors on every settlement corner, a faux white and a faux Korean village where these vile savages can launch raids where they can steal pampers from unguarded liquor stores, the DVD collection of the FBI records on that drunken, liar, plagiarist, white hater, American hater martin Luther coon, a limited edition of Rosa parks figurine that when you wind it up you can here a wonderful and inspiring version of ‘mammies’ being sung by no other than al jolson, a copy of roots by the plagiarist Alex Haley, a free pass to ride the mother ship with screwy Louie. If I left anything out let me know.

 How about a statue of Abu Ben Jiggah-Bu Al-Nigguh -the future President of the Republic of New Zimbabwe


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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2006, 10:45:17 AM »
VITO, you're 22 years old... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... do me and everyone else a favor and get yourself a career, pay your bills, do your own laundry, dont go to mommy and daddy to help you out. live life a bit before you start labeling people as if you are some kind of professor of humanity.  ha ha ha ha i apologize for laughing at you.... but 22 years old? You dont know a thing about life yet KID!
The Great Rabbi Kahane said, "Those who cannot debate defame."

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2006, 02:40:22 PM »
Re:  "...How about a statue of Abu Ben Jiggah-Bu Al-Nigguh -the future President of the Republic of New Zimbabwe..."

What ARE you...NUTS?

Our new leader must be "addressed properly" as either PRESIDENT FOR LIFE, OR EMPEROR!

p.s.--you had first better check on the cost of the materials, because just the amount of metal needed to sculpt the lips may bankrupt the Treasury!

Offline Vito

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2007, 07:45:13 PM »
Hah, this is a classic thread I think ;D


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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2007, 08:41:12 AM »
jewishron :

You're comparing apples and oranges. The Nazis hated Jews because they hated Jews. They had no reason to hate them.. no basis, if anything, jealousy. I don't hate people based on the color of their skin, I judge people based on their culture, and how that contributes to society. Indians are dark people, completely different culture all together.. but I have nothing against them, why? Beause their good, peaceful people that work hard, educate themselves, love their families and keep a safe neighborhood. Can I say the same for the African beasts? Of course not. I hate them for a damn good reason. When my mother grew up iin Brooklyn, you could pratically eat off the streets and keep your doors unlocked. Same thing for Harlem.. and basically the rest of NYC, when it was white. Now look at these places, you can't go there without body armour and a .50 cal. thanks to your buddies.
As far as calling you a self hating Jew, I called you that simply because you are defending a people who hate Jews. It is nothing more than logical for me to call you a self hating Jew.
You are a double-talking fool. You said you don't hate blacks because of their 'color' yet, you compare blacks to 'eggplants' which are BLACK. Are you serious? I'm darker than you but I'm no eggplant, sir and I dont' hate Jews.


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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2007, 08:46:50 AM »
Jewishron :

First of all, I never labeled myself as a professor, you did. *wink*.

Second, after the first statement I made, you called me a high school drop out. After several of my statements, you call me a "wannabe" professor.. that's quite a drastic change in the way you attempt to insult me.. thatnks for the complement.. another *wink* : )

Third, while you continue to dismay my ideology, which has reason, backed by an argument which is supported by facts and valid data, all you can come up with is "let's hug a tree and not live in hate" ....and.... "get a life kid".
Do I smell hypocrasy?  one more  *wink* : )

P.S - I actually do pay my own bills and don't rely on my parents for finances.
To be someone so up on what the black culture really is, you sure don't know much about it do you? YOu mention the BAD part of black culture...we can all agree that it exists but without pointing out the good thing about black culture, you're making your argument seem as though you don't give a damn whether there is good culture or not...all you care about is that bad black culture exists. If I gave you a list of what good is in the black community, you'd spit at it, much like a lot of people here have.

Offline Vito

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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2007, 12:58:08 AM »

To be someone so up on what the black culture really is, you sure don't know much about it do you? YOu mention the BAD part of black culture...we can all agree that it exists but without pointing out the good thing about black culture, you're making your argument seem as though you don't give a damn whether there is good culture or not...all you care about is that bad black culture exists. If I gave you a list of what good is in the black community, you'd spit at it, much like a lot of people here have.

Sub-Saharan African culture has given the world nothing but crime, rape, murder and AIDS. It has nothing to do with them being black.. people that follow that culture just happen to be black. If they were blond, blue eyed and fair skinned, I would criticize them the same way.. as I do with white trash. The difference is that the vast majority of black people follow this sick, demented, backwards culture... whereas white trash is a small portion of the European descendants.


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Re: As much as I hate Spielberg ....
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2007, 08:31:04 AM »
The only 'ignorant' person here is Jewishron. Calling us racist at the drop of a hat? Our problem is with culture/behavior, not race/skin colour.

Understand that 'racist' is the most abused and misused word in the english language today. It has also become the new bludgeoning word of the left. In medievel times the church used the word 'heretic' to attack and destroy (literally) those who opposed or descented.The people it attacked were NEVER heretics 99% of the time. The left use 'racist' in the same way , mostly against those who are NOT racist in any way, shape or form. The word has become a club with which to beat down opposition.

Racism n:
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that *a particular race is superior to others.*
2. Discrimination or prejudice *based on race*.

racist: - a person with a prejudiced belief that one *race is superior* to others

Quite clearly, the words 'racist' and 'racism' CANNOT be used to describe JTF, JTF policy or Kahanist ideology..The very definitions of these words center on race, not culture.

There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.

JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race. JTF's attacks on WHITE european anti-semites and self-hating JEWS have been far greater in number and more vitriolic than any criticism of the cultures of any non-whites

To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.

The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.

The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.

As our organisation becomes larger and poses a greater threat to Jew-haters and their leftist allies, we can expect more attacks on both our movement and our characters. Treat each and every accusation of 'racism' with the contempt it deserves. Repeat the mantra over and over again......