The leaders of Israel just let the Arabs fire missiles on Jewish towns and knife Jews right in the street. What a pathetic, sick, self-hating government. And these same greedy, gutless leaders are in put in power year, after year, after year. Don't the majority of Israelis ever learn? There's an expression that goes like this: If you don't learn the lesson from experience- you'll get to experience the lesson again. The Israeli people experience the same lesson year after year with these traitorous leaders and never learn from their experience. It's actually astonishing and sad that the majority of Israelis keep voting these pathetic, greedy, self-hating, treacherous leaders into power year after year.
Could you imagine how different things would be over night- if Chaim were Prime Minister of Israel! If an Arab knifed a Jew in the street during Chaim's leadership, that Arab would pay very dearly. Or if missles were being fired at a Jewish town, I can assure you Chaim would use the Israeli airforce to quickly flatten the ENTIRE town and not risk one Jewish life by sending in soldiers on foot into Arab towns. Even viscious, animal Arabs would quickly learn under Chaim's leadership that Jewish blood won't be had cheap.