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Baruch HaShem, 4 New JTF Videos (01/10)
Chaim Ben Pesach:
1. McCain's Amnesty Bill Will Destroy America
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4. What McCain Did To His First Wife
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Thanks for giving us these wonderful tools to fight McCain with!
i just watched 1/2 of the video "McCain's Amnesty Bill Will Destroy America"
i must say it is one of the most brilliant videos ever!
If you make one video like this about Europe (same problems), you'll get a lot of supporters here.
I think the video about the wife of Mc Cain is the best. A lot of decent people will not give McCain their vote, because, if someone does something so evil to his wife, he will do it to other people too, when it is in his favour.
In addition to that. I think no Serb will vote for McCain, after he has warched this video.
I wouldn't vote for mac...
cain, the one who killed Abel...
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