Author Topic: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?  (Read 11488 times)

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Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« on: November 22, 2006, 06:22:54 AM »
It might be easier to ask the question: who aren't?

Who, or what organisation in Britain is, essentially, the absolute worst enemy of the Kahanist movement?

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 12:13:29 PM »
The worst enemy?

Probably the govermnent...


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2006, 07:05:10 AM »
Who, or what organisation in Britain is, essentially, the absolute worst enemy of the Kahanist movement?

British Jewry.   ;D


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2006, 11:11:20 AM »
Who, or what organisation in Britain is, essentially, the absolute worst enemy of the Kahanist movement?

British Jewry.   ;D

If you were really joking, that would be funny.

Who are the good people and who are the bad people?

Presumably Rabbi Jonathan Sacks is a voice of 'moderation', and a mouthpiece of the Jewish liberal establishment, although he is not a liberal as such.

I am a nationalist so I know who the commies are and yes, many of them are Jewish.

Searchlight Magazine - the 'anti-fascist' magazine is an interesting phenomenon, because they are regarded by much of the left (the Palestine sympathisers) as a 'Zionist front-group' and as part of the state apparatus. I believe this to be true. They are certainly a powerful group.

But really, who are the main bad guys in Britain? I would say the British establishment and the Jewish establishment (particularly where they interface with the British establishment) and the leftists and the Jewish 'voices of moderation' which the establishment wheel out when required.

I would say... more or less everyone actually, so you are probably almost right. The three main parties in Britain all have a 'Friends of Israel' group attached to them. I went to a presentation/debate given by 'Conservative Friends of Israel' once. They were good advocates for Israel-the-State and excellent debaters, but they were really just towing the establishment line.

I pressed them with regard to the withdrawals, and their attitude was shocking and quite mercenary. They are prepared to risk lives, just to appear 'moderate'.

Melanie Phillips has been a good advocate for Israel, but she has also been unpleasant about the BNP (who I support) and she has not issued a strong enough challenge to the Jewish leftists, although she has been pretty strong on the apologisers for jihad (eg. George Galloway (G'Allah'Way ;D )etc.) that does not go far enough, IMO.


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2006, 03:34:27 PM »
I caught a link someone posted to a speech Nick Griffin made just last year, where he was effusively praising David Duke and was talking about how, despite sympathizing with revisionism, he thinks it ought to be kept separate from politics because most people aren't interested in it.

In other words, Nick Griffin hasn't ditched his ideas about Jews at all.  He just doesn't let his party members say anything anti-Semitic.  Just in the same way that the BNP never says anything about negroes in public any more, the self-same negroes who are causing havoc (not to mention many illegitimate births) up and down the length of the country.

So in reality we don't have any pro-white non-Nazi movement at all in Britain.  Maybe that's part of the problem?


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2006, 03:38:31 PM »
Dear sat_chit_anand,

In all honesty, do you even think it's possible to be pro-white but not anti-semitic?

Lots of people are unable to believe that it is possible.

And yet the reasons for hating militant Muslims and violent blacks are so obvious.  Any decent person would.  But the reasons for hating Jews are based primarily on jealousy and conspiracy-mindedness, so it doesn't necessary follow that despising blacks means despising Jews.  Or does it?

I am perplexed at the whole thing.  Britain has 250,000 Jews who get abused every day, while the 1-2 million blacks are treated like g ods.  And it's only recently that the media starting picking up on anti-social behaviour by Muslims.   ???

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 09:12:19 PM »
I suspect the BNP establishment will turn back to hating Jews if or when the muslim/black problem is extinguished in Britain. They'll need a scapegoat.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2006, 08:01:54 AM »
In all honesty, do you even think it's possible to be pro-white but not anti-semitic?

If it is possible to be pro-semitic but not anti-white, then yes.

Chaim has proved that it is possible, so yes, it is possible, and if put into effect, I believe that a strategy of union between euro-nationalists and Kahanists would devastate the liberal establishment.

And yet the reasons for hating militant Muslims and violent blacks are so obvious.  Any decent person would.  But the reasons for hating Jews are based primarily on jealousy and conspiracy-mindedness, so it doesn't necessary follow that despising blacks means despising Jews.  Or does it?

I think that, historically, some of the interactions between Christian Europeans and the Jewish diaspora have been very negative indeed. Jewish involvement within Communist movements last century, for example. National Socialist Germany and so on and so forth.

There is no need to despise in any case. I think that it is necessary to respect an adversary in order to reject. I feel a little bit sorry for black people, but I pity more greatly the leftists who lie their way into power, giving false hope to minority groups. They are the real criminals.

I am perplexed at the whole thing.  Britain has 250,000 Jews who get abused every day, while the 1-2 million blacks are treated like g ods.  And it's only recently that the media starting picking up on anti-social behaviour by Muslims.   ???

Jews and Israel are poorly treated by the press. It is a NWO phenomenon. Jewish identity is being attacked because it is a powerful identity, and a religious identity with territorial ambitions and that simply does not fit the programme.

The poor treatment of Jews by the media also fits the leftist agenda. The left side with muslims because they are broadly anti-capitalist.

Regarding David Duke: I think that he is as bad as the leftists.

He does nothing for white people, he leads them towards resenting Jewish people. He does criticise groups like the ADL. However, this good work is undone by his blanket criticism of Zionism. I find it digsusting and exploitative and his movement is based upon half-truths, covered by a tissue of lies. According to Duke, Jewish people are not allowed to exist, even in Israel. That is not acceptable to me.

I repeat: Duke does nothing for white people, he could help white people organise themselves economically, politically, towards resisting the NWO, but instead he leads people towards developing a hatred of Jews which is actually counter-productive.

David Duke is, effectively, the opposame of the ADL.

Euro-nationalists must forge a union with the right in Israel. I believe this to be the only way to isolate the left to completion. Your thoughts?
« Last Edit: November 24, 2006, 09:21:21 AM by sat_chit_anand »


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2006, 02:57:00 PM »
Chaim has proved that it is possible, so yes, it is possible, and if put into effect, I believe that a strategy of union between euro-nationalists and Kahanists would devastate the liberal establishment.

I think that, historically, some of the interactions between Christian Europeans and the Jewish diaspora have been very negative indeed. Jewish involvement within Communist movements last century, for example. National Socialist Germany and so on and so forth.

Jews and Israel are poorly treated by the press. It is a NWO phenomenon. Jewish identity is being attacked because it is a powerful identity, and a religious identity with territorial ambitions and that simply does not fit the programme.


Duke does nothing for white people, he could help white people organise themselves economically, politically, towards resisting the NWO, but instead he leads people towards developing a hatred of Jews which is actually counter-productive.

Euro-nationalists must forge a union with the right in Israel. I believe this to be the only way to isolate the left to completion. Your thoughts?

Chaim is a very unique and special man.  :)  But you are right, we should all try and imitate him!

There was a female rabbi on the radio today, overseeing a lengthy discussion where lots of British women phoned in and talked about how they had all these children by fathers who subsequently left them after learning they were pregnant. 

This pretty much sums up the attitude of most Britons.

I think the whole British culture, which Jews like that 'rabbi',  pretty much sucks the intellect out of one.  Lots of people who are otherwise perfectly capable of independent thought get sucked into the system of collective 'group think'.  I cannot put my finger on it, but you will instantly recognize it as you watch British people interact.  Brits seem to have a need to get in line with their 'group' and close the door on other groups' perspectives.

This female 'rabbi' spoke with a perfect English accent.  I even bet she doesn't speak any Hebrew.  She certainly doesn't seem to spend most of her time thinking about how to improve Jewish lives.

LIkewise, white Brits don't spend time thinking about how to improve other white Brit's lives.  We live in a 'nah nah, nah nah' culture where everyone scrambles to get to the top of the social ladder and looks down on others less fortunate.  British culture has turned sour.  I honestly don't think white Brits have respect for each other any more.  There is no sense of love for British culture.  The Jews are merely participants in this grand orgy of self-hatred, they are not the ones leading it.

The problem as you well know lies within.  We desperately need an alliance of gentile nationlists with Kahanist nationalists against the global system.  But we're all too shy to speak out and defy the group-think and peer-pressure.  We're all sitting around waiting for someone else to make the first move.  We're paralysed by the status quo and indecision.

Do we need a great leader to come along and give us a kick-start into action?  I bet that deep down most white Brits want to preserve their culture.  Why are we all sitting by and letting it be torn away from us?

We're all too scared to be individuals.  We have all submitted meekly to the evils of group-think and feminism.


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2006, 03:00:44 PM »
The BNP needs to stop trying to have its cake and eat the whole damn thing.  The BNP cannot straddle the fence between being pro-Israel nationalism and attending David Duke conferences as if people are too stupid to realize what they're up to.

The BNP needs to purge all of its anti-SEmitism, even if it means alienating all the David Duke-esque Nazis, and become solidly pro-Israel ... it must recognize that a genuinely religious Kahanist Israel is threatened by NWO globalism too ... it should stop thinking that just because it gets attacked disproportionately by secular Jews in the media that it must therefore try and keep the Nazis on-side, because Nazis are never anything but a liability.

Ideally an entirely new party would be formed that doesn't have a Nazi past.  Failing that, the party must gut itself out of anti-Semitism, and mould a new image, now we all thought Griffin was doing that but his recent remarks at a Duke rally prove otherwise.

So Griffin will have to go.

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2006, 04:10:17 PM »
The BNP needs to stop trying to have its cake and eat the whole damn thing.  The BNP cannot straddle the fence between being pro-Israel nationalism and attending David Duke conferences as if people are too stupid to realize what they're up to.

The BNP needs to purge all of its anti-SEmitism, even if it means alienating all the David Duke-esque Nazis, and become solidly pro-Israel ... it must recognize that a genuinely religious Kahanist Israel is threatened by NWO globalism too ... it should stop thinking that just because it gets attacked disproportionately by secular Jews in the media that it must therefore try and keep the Nazis on-side, because Nazis are never anything but a liability.

Ideally an entirely new party would be formed that doesn't have a Nazi past.  Failing that, the party must gut itself out of anti-Semitism, and mould a new image, now we all thought Griffin was doing that but his recent remarks at a Duke rally prove otherwise.

So Griffin will have to go.
You're right.  Of course, when the situation becomes truly desperate in Eurabia, people will vote for anything that remotely resembles a nationalist and will forgive past hypocrisy and inconsistency.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 06:02:16 PM »
With regards to the BNP sadly unless a new party shows up, they are the only party that offers some hope for the UK


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2006, 07:57:40 AM »
Failing that, the party must gut itself out of anti-Semitism, and mould a new image, now we all thought Griffin was doing that but his recent remarks at a Duke rally prove otherwise.

So Griffin will have to go.

Get thee, I agree with you about Britain.

What remarks did he make exactly?

Perhaps all the Brits on the forum should meet up in London?


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2006, 02:03:30 PM »
Get thee, I agree with you about Britain.

What remarks did he make exactly?

Perhaps all the Brits on the forum should meet up in London?

We could indeed - although, a rather large number of the 'British' posters here have claimed to be Muslims.  They are all self-hating whites brainwashed by political correctness.   ::)

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2006, 04:19:17 PM »
Get thee, I agree with you about Britain.

What remarks did he make exactly?

Perhaps all the Brits on the forum should meet up in London?

We could indeed - although, a rather large number of the 'British' posters here have claimed to be Muslims.  They are all self-hating whites brainwashed by political correctness.   ::)

Or muslims  :-\


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2006, 07:05:57 PM »
Who lives in london then.....anyone who is very pro-israeli and has extremely biased opinions....would you like to do a presentation at my school?
If i lived in London i would :P
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Offline davkakach

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2006, 01:18:36 AM »
Who lives in london then.....anyone who is very pro-israeli and has extremely biased opinions....would you like to do a presentation at my school?
It's not London---it's Londonistan.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2006, 12:23:10 PM »
Who lives in london then.....anyone who is very pro-israeli and has extremely biased opinions....would you like to do a presentation at my school?

What, and get mobbed by several million black-polyester-clad garlic-breath Bangladeshi kids?


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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2006, 01:21:05 PM »
whats wrong with london?


It's horrible.   :'(

If sexy women from other races were as happy to cross-date with white men as white women are to cross-date with non-white men, it might be okay, but sadly that's far from the truth.   :-\

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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2006, 03:50:58 PM »
whats wrong with london?


It's horrible.   :'(

If sexy women from other races were as happy to cross-date with white men as white women are to cross-date with non-white men, it might be okay, but sadly that's far from the truth.   :-\

LOL WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED???!!!!!  :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(



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Re: Who in Britain are the enemies of the Kahanist movement?
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2006, 04:08:46 AM »
Look, guys, I am just interested in co-operation between Kahanist and Euro-nationalists.

Sarah is just a silly distraction to me.

I want to talk about strategy, not intermarriage.