We Flemish and Jews from Antwerp , fleeing for the spanish invaders in 1585, established the Golden Age of the Nation of Holland, and made the cities of Amsterdam, New York (nieuw-Amsterdam) were developed by them.
The Russian tsar Peter the Great, learned to build ships in Holland,
and thus established the first Russian marine.
This a special connection we and the Russians have, and Russians are
very thankful and respectful to our small nation for providing them this technology.
All marine-words in Russian are Dutch. Even the Russian words for chair and kitchen,... change to the Dutch words, when in a ship!
Russia today is in a terrible state. Negative birth-rate, alcoholism, ruzism, muslims, china wanting to invade Siberia, USA/NATO/EU increasingly hostile, but at the other hand, Moscow is the fastest developing city in Europe.
The country side and the farmer-class has been destroyed by the evil communists,
the genetic composition of the Russian people is even affected by the horrors of the Revolution , the World Wars, and the horrors of Leninism, Stalinism.
The good thing is , that the Russian have no "pussification" as here, and in the USA.
So, probably, they will emerge as more powerful, and stable country, once West-Europe is in total decline due to the collapse of the states here under muslim-pressure.