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Schmuck Schumer to the U.N rescue


I was told by a friend just a while ago that schmucke Schumer was on the news tonight saying that the United Nations headquarts building is a fire trap and should be repaired. Hay Schmucke your the senator of New York remember?  Do the job you were elected to. Let France worry about the UN building.

Hail Columbia:
A better use for the current UN headquarters would be as a homeless shelter.  I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that the homeless who would live there would be more productive than the shiftless UN bureaucrats that work in that building today.  But then again, I would rather have it as an office building, or as an apartment building for yuppies.


That's GREAT news!

I had always known it was a "fly" trap....

I wonder what burning cannibals smell like!

All that "Chuck The Schmuck" needs to do is tell all the queers there not to smoke in bed when they're having some sodomy.

Chuck Schumer is very obnoxious. 


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