Hair doesn't really matter to me. But I like the dark hair. Maybe it is because there are so few Blonde Jews that I go for Dark hair??? Who knows really the person is more important then the hair.
Personally, hair color isn't a big deal to me, they could be bald and it wouldn't really matter.
Honey I think you are living way to long out in those woods.
Lmao, nah i'm just saying it's not really a big deal, hair isn't really something I notice. I've always paid attention to the face. Short, Long, it's all the same to me.
Very wise Cohen, but at least if she had no hair, she would spend less time in the bathroom.
I have a friend, sweet guy, he was very much like you. He was interested in two women.
Both these ladies where great, I said hey Johnny who are you going to marry? He said I tell what I have a test for them, who wins I will marry.
I said you can't do that

He said yup, I do it on the weekend.
SO that monday I go up to the farm. I say see one of the ladies there. This one Johnny is going to marry. He got the biggest grin on his face. He tells me this............
He took each one hunting, first one could carry one kangaroo and a deer. The second one could carry two kangaroo and a deer, so he chooses the second one

They married and were very happy until she died.