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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Rosh Hashana, September 24.
Thanks for answering my previous questions.
In the movie “The Godfather Part II”, Michael Corleone says “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” In this spirit, I often peruse many of the neo-Nazi websites such as StørmFrønt, National Alliance, White Aryan Nation, David Duke, etc. And, of course, much of their hate is directed toward the Jews.
They believe Jews are destroying America (and the world) through their Leftist politics. Examples would be Jewish support and promotion of multiculturalism and diversity, Blacks, homosexuals, affirmative action, open borders, feminism, intermarriage, social welfare programs, etc. And because Jews are so influential in the media (films, TV, newspapers), they are especially dangerous.
Having grown up surrounded by these Leftist Bolshevik Jews, I’d be lying if I didn’t say there was truth in what these neo-Nazis are saying. Even you have expressed many of these same criticisms of Jews. Jews do have a Marxist/Socialist tradition (for which I have my theories) and are without question disproportionately influential. So my question to you is, as a Jew, how do I reconcile my disgust for these groups while acknowledging that there is some truth in what they say?
Thanks again.
Until Shiloh Comes:
Hello Chaim, and good day to you. I pray this message reaches you in good health.
Chaim why do you use your given Jewish name on the program? I seem to recall in the JDL days you were always referred to by your birth name. Is it because of the context of the programs and website? Forgive my ignorance, I am a Ben Noach who is still learning.
--- Quote from: Sparky on September 21, 2006, 10:48:43 PM ---Chaim,
Thanks for answering my previous questions.
In the movie “The Godfather Part II”, Michael Corleone says “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” In this spirit, I often peruse many of the neo-Nazi websites such as StørmFrønt, National Alliance, White Aryan Nation, David Duke, etc. And, of course, much of their hate is directed toward the Jews.
They believe Jews are destroying America (and the world) through their Leftist politics. Examples would be Jewish support and promotion of multiculturalism and diversity, Blacks, homosexuals, affirmative action, open borders, feminism, intermarriage, social welfare programs, etc. And because Jews are so influential in the media (films, TV, newspapers), they are especially dangerous.
Having grown up surrounded by these Leftist Bolshevik Jews, I’d be lying if I didn’t say there was truth in what these neo-Nazis are saying. Even you have expressed many of these same criticisms of Jews. Jews do have a Marxist/Socialist tradition (for which I have my theories) and are without question disproportionately influential. So my question to you is, as a Jew, how do I reconcile my disgust for these groups while acknowledging that there is some truth in what they say?
Thanks again.
--- End quote ---
I believe that feminism (a product of the spoils of WWII) is what has led to these insane left-wing policies...not the Jews. It is true that many powerful feminists are indeed Jewish however.
Dear Chaim,
Thank you indeed for your comments on my post last week which was about Islam as a scam for the benefit of Muhammad and his family. Sorry to go on about the same thing again, but I would be obliged for your comments about this other circumstantial evidence:
When talking about Muhammad, Sunni Muslims often add the phrase ‘Peace be upon him’ (p.b.u.h.). However, Shiite Muslims use the phrase ‘Peace be upon him and his descendants’ (p.b.u.h.a.h.d.). In fact, Muhammad has millions of actual or claimed descendants across the world today, and they benefit hugely from the scam. For example, the kings of Morocco and Jordan got their jobs because they are from Muhammad’s family.
Also, the Aga Khan is a multi-millionaire who gets his millions from poor Shiite peasants who send the Aga Khan about 10% of their incomes, simply because he is a supposed descendant of Muhammad! By the way, the Aga Khan is white because for the last 100 years, his ancestors have only bred with the finest French beauties in their palaces on the French Riviera.
(At the risk of boring you!) Another example: For centuries in Egypt, Muslim society was strictly divided as follows:
1) At the bottom were the native Egyptian peasants (‘fellahin’) whose ancestors had been conquered by the Arabs.
2) Above them were the ethnic Arabs whose ancestors came over with the first wave of Muslim conquests. These people made their living by extortion from the peasants. (Muhammad commanded Muslims to ‘Love the Arabs, because I am an Arab’.)
3) Above them, at the very top, were the ‘Ashraf’ meaning the descendants of Muhammad. This elite did not have to work – instead they spent their days teaching Islam to the lesser Muslims – which of course made the lesser Muslims even more willing to support Muhammad’s family.
Of course, below all of them were the Christian and Jewish people (called ‘dogs’ and ‘pigs’ respectively).
The point I am trying to make is that Islam seems specifically designed to squeeze protection money out of everyone else for the benefit of (1) Arabs in general and (2) Muhammad’s family in particular.
(Incidentally, I think the above also shows that Islam is not about equality: it is the strongest enforcer of discrimination in the world today.)
As I said, I would be obliged to hear your views on this.
Regards from Noahide
(the ‘h’ in ‘Noahide’ is pronounced!)
Christian Zionist:
Did you get a chance to encounter that mhmm woman Cleopatra Jefferson again :)? I cannot forget that broadcast! You perfectly impersonated her. Jews endured centuries of persecution but their contribution to Science, Engineering and Technology is disproportionately higher. 1/16 of the Polish population was wiped out by the nazis and the Poles are civilized. South Koreans were brutally oppressed by the Japanese but South Korea is one of the heavily industrialized countries in the world. Therefore blacks telling that decades of slavery is reponsible for their evil behavior is unacceptable. But inspite of occupying managerial postions why blacks like Cleopatra Jefferson and Latrina are uncivilized? What are the reasons behind their uncultured behavior in spite of getting equal opportunity.
Thanks In Advance!
Christian Zionist.
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