General Category > QPTV JTF Shows Archive
Baruch HaShem, 4 New JTF Videos (01/16)
Shvartzamuzzytube just removed the video about self hating jews voting for clinton and osama.
Is it possible to remove some of the stupid comments to Chaim's videos?
Here are some examples of things that should be removed:
"jd603 (11 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam +1 Reply | Spam You know, I was always against antisemitism , but you guys make me understand why it needs to exist. "
Why should comments like this be allowed to stay up?
--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 17, 2008, 09:31:35 AM ---Is it possible to remove some of the stupid comments to Chaim's videos?
Here are some examples of things that should be removed:
"jd603 (11 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam +1 Reply | Spam You know, I was always against antisemitism , but you guys make me understand why it needs to exist. "
Why should comments like this be allowed to stay up?
--- End quote ---
maybe it is better to let it stand, and to answer that Chaim's message is the reason NOT to be anti-semite!!
This lefties can't stand a Jew that is proud, that's why they hate Chaim.
Great videos
I don't see why video #3 was removed from zootube and myspace. It didn't seem that racy.
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