I don't think the word Jap should be banned.
It's a useful abbreviation and doesn't seem offensive to me.
I like Jap culture. I like Jap gardens, sushi, sumo wrestling, Toyotas, Hondas, Sony and Panasonic.
My best friend is a Jap, who thinks Japs are the master race of Asians.
I constantly have to remind him that America used the Jewish developed Atom bomb to nuke the fight out of his relatives and transform them into peaceful good little Nips.
I don't think he minds when I call him a Jap or a Nip.
He doesn't even get upset when I tell him he's no different than the rest of the slopes, gooks, kimchis, flips, chins, dinks or any of the other little yellow slanteyed people running around with cameras, tiny penises, and that can't drive.
He does seem to get a little upset when I call him a Japanegro though.
But who can blame him for that ?