Hello dear YESHA!

First of all, I would like to congratulate you and tell you how excited and thrilled I am to have my first question posted here in this thread. This is such a Zechut! I am so grateful to you for letting us receive this amazing gift every other week! Oh, and you are a real "Pro" as a speaker!! I have to ask you: Is it possible for you to do an additional program, on which you would talk about any subjects you like related to JTF? I know it's time consuming for you.. Maybe just one show, whenever you get time...
Anyway, here is my question: How would you interpret Russia's actions today? What are their real motives, in your opinion? They supposedly know what danger they're putting themselves in. They could be digging their own grave by helping Muslim countries get nuclear weapons. Do you think they believe they will never be attacked eventually as well, by the same Muslim countries whom they help? And finally, what is the Public Opinion in England on Russia?
Thank you again for all your time and effort!

Gam Bashan veGam Gil'ad.