Well, first of all, why I asked about your geographic location is because of your interesting screen name sounding a little Russian. Russians refer to the stars above the Moscow Kremlin as ruby stars.
Anyways… Back to your question, which surprised me in a negative fashion, unfortunately.
Let’s make something clear.
1) There are evil Jews, no question about it. But their number is disproportionately lower than that of evil Gentiles. Even mathematically it is impossible to be otherwise.
Nazis of course single out Jews from all the rest no matter what.
2) Globalism is a new word for imperialism with only difference that Globalism uses economic intervention supported upon necessity by diplomacy and even military forces.
And again the number of Jews who are among the globalists is laughable in contrast to that of Gentiles.
I think the terms globalism, imperialism and Zionism are incompatible. Look at the size of Israel.
Let’s make certain of several facts to make sure that the Jews can’t come even close to the Gentiles in imperialism and globalism:
1) Israel has never been the largest continental empire in world, unlike Russia.
2) Israel has never been the largest oceanic empire in world, unlike Great Britain.
3) Israel and the Jews have never concurred half of the planet to convert people into Judaism, unlike Muslims.
4) Jews have never killed millions of their own brothers and sisters in religious wars, unlike Christians and Muslims.
5) The Jews did not discover America, nor did they colonize it.
6) The Jews did not bring Blacks to America to use them as slaves.
7) The Jews did not kill millions of natives of colonized territories which they obviously never had.

The Jews did not start World War 1.
9) The Jews did not start World War 2 either.
10) The largest corporations in the world are not owned or controlled by the Jews.
11) And after all, the Jews didnt throw themselves out of their homeland, because we always minded our own business, unlike Romans, Greeks, Persians, Arabs, Turks, Brits etc.
What else? You tell me. Does your confusion still persist?