Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

I'm a young guy, I have a girlfriend and we want to marry!

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--- Quote from: dibblah on February 06, 2008, 09:48:52 PM ---MarZutra

Thank you for your kind words on the last and un-related post to this (The great Revd. et al).

To address your last point on this subject:

If my Sunday school education of the Tennach and the Tower of Babel scripture will assist me and my limited biblical knowledge correct, then what we faced was a punishment from G-d. He broke the tower in an almighty thunderclap and all the men from different nations could no longer communicate with each other. Mistrust and division quickly spread and the word of G-d was disputed by all. From that point forward Man as from the seed of Adam and Eve and as the decendants of Issac and Abraham could no longer be as one in their thoughts words and deeds.

I believe, in my very humble opinion that this is the challenge that G-d has given us on Earth: Transcend the language and intricacies of your religion and learn to join wholeheartedly with your fellow man. Join with them on the righteous laws that were given to us in the 10 commandments and evolve your union from here. Accept no less and demand no more. Never concede to a subversion of the truth, or an evil and aggressive faith; for this is not who G-d is or wants us to be.

If we ever manage to achieve this then I truly believe that we would have fulfilled G-d's will for us on Earth.

If others of our fellow men are slow to see this then we must have patience and faith and draw them to us by reason and love rather than the sword.

The Jews were given this Holy responsibility, they alone were tasked with leading man towards heaven. Then came the Christians and thereafter the Muslims. -The job for the Jews suddenly became that much harder.

Fundamentally, if you were a hermit, or exile and you never had teaching from a mosque, church or synagogue, but yet you were a "GOOD" person who helped everyone when you could, protected your own and sacrificed unreservedly, without promise of a reward in hevean, then you would be welcomed into the arms of G-d.

I believe that this is the story that all men who were exiled from the Tower of Babel knew before they left but could not effectively communicate to others once the tower had been destroyed.

Peace on Earth will happen when all religions and peoples and agnostics and Humanists acknowledge this as G-d's Law. We are a spiritual being on a physical trip, that is short.. Let us not forget.

Dibbs Nutz.

--- End quote ---
In a way I agree with you but one must always remember that G-d created all different not the same and not "equal".  G-d created different races for a reason as he did different plants, species etc.  G-d lays it out pretty accurate as to how all humanity can live in peace via the 7 laws of Noah and the Principles handed down at Sinai for Israel. 

This, I think is the crux of the problem as all the other major ideologies contort or contradict these basic Laws of G-d.  Most certainly Mohammad and Islam, Marx/Engles and Communism, Socrates/Plato and his Humanism etc.  imo...

Good luck and be well...


--- Quote from: dibblah on February 06, 2008, 11:09:24 PM ---Dear OdKahaneChai,

I am making the assumption that you are a Rabbi yourself?- Thank you for your counsel and the Rabbi contact in Southgate.-I am assuming he is like a Priest and cannot breach the sacricanty of the confessional?

I will pass this number to my girlfriend tommorow. Doubtless she will be reading these posts.
It is not inconcievable to me that she will not be clear with this; obviously this has happened to you before,... so what should I say to her then? Is it best that I break contact, and never communicate again? Should I visist the Rabbi myself in this case? Will he see me?

- I need to know what will happen... This has become very involved....

I had it planned that following tommorrow, we could both either end this now or some time in the future and be done with it in the best way. It seems that now there's a mountain left to climb.

Ultimately I just want to do the right thing by both of us and I will be strong.

--- End quote ---

First of all, I am not a Rabbi (although I hope to become one eventually), so I can't tell you exactly what to do.  Perhaps it it best if you speak to Rabbi Kesselman, and explain the situation, before you have her talk to him.  If she refuses to talk to him (is this what you're asking?  I don't see why she would), the I suppose you would have to explain to her yourself that it is not appropriate under any circumstances for a non-Jew to marry a Jew, and that the relationship has to end.

You're a good man, dibblah.  Take care...


Thanks for that.- Much appreciated my friend. I sincerley hope you are made a Rabbi, if this is your wish.

I have passed on the feedback and contacts you have given and engaged in a respectful way, at this stage I can do no more. I have asked her repeatedly to speak with her rabbi but it seems there is a lack of willingness to do so. This relationship was not public knowledge to the other families and I think she is afraid that it may be so if she discusses this issue with other people.

To DW-I feel bad darling, I feel I have "mugged" you somewhat with this official line.- What started out as a genuine enquiry has developed into something much more involved. -  I'm sorry sweetheart- Please forgive me...I just want whats right for everyone...

How can I put this to you without sounding trite?- When she told me she was Jewish I felt good because I knew the union was not blessed by both our religions but I knew it felt "right" none-the-less. -That's it. ENDEX.

Salty German:
By getting married you will lose the love of the Blessed Virgin.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Salty German on February 10, 2008, 04:16:46 PM ---By getting married you will lose the love of the Blessed Virgin.

--- End quote ---

BY getting married you gain the love of a woman, and love of your family to be.

Where does it state this blessed virgin I assume you mean Mary, loses favour with you.

After all she was married.  ::)


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