Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

I'm a young guy, I have a girlfriend and we want to marry!

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--- Quote from: dibblah on February 12, 2008, 09:06:04 PM ---All Christians were Jews before we recognized Christ. Let us not forget the fundamentals of our religion.- The Torah. I'm a bit done with this now, but have tried to maintain dialogue despite my (our) personal grief on the subject.

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Actually brother, most were Hellenists before, and even for a fair time after Constentine made Catholocism/Christianity the Empire's Official Religion.  Have you ever read about the early "Christians" that followed John the Baptist?  Early Christianity was far different after the Council of Nicea in 325 or even the Council of Trent 1545...then the Reformation and counter Reformation...  Whoa, what a interesting history...

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:

--- Quote from: dibblah on February 12, 2008, 09:06:04 PM ---Easy does it and one step at a time my friend... we still love each other although marriage is now looking unlikely... to quote the US saying it has become: "the elephant in the room?"

That is all I can tell you of the status quo right now. She did not watch all of the video..I will ask her to have patience with it when she is not so upset and view it from an unemotionally-charged perspective. I do not want her to rebel against this but if I, (of all people) push this, she will reject it!...

All I can do in clear concience is as I have done and in respect to my Judaic brothers. I have probably and conciously scuppered our chances of marriage. Niether of us would marry outside of a religous marriage and probably never outside of our faith. The one message you can probabaly thank yourselves for helping us with, was to get accross that message that the Jewish mother passes on the Jewish inheritance. This gave us both significant pause for thought.

Let us hope (and pray) that by not inter-marrying we are not giving the Muslims another rod to divide us with; Lord knows we have managed to do that amongst each other for a long time now without their help!

All Christians were Jews before we recognized Christ. Let us not forget the fundamentals of our religion.- The Torah. I'm a bit done with this now, but have tried to maintain dialogue despite my (our) personal grief on the subject.

Dibblah -out...

--- End quote ---

 ??? , one step at a time? What does that mean? You are breaking up, one step at a time? If you recognize that it is wrong then you have to end it right away, if not then you can state it and you will be shown why. If you love that girl the best thing you can do is show here that video (and also the one on Shabb-t and the Divineinformation video), and not have contact with her any longer. These are rules, not made by me, but by the Creator of the World, (The Holy One Blessed Be He), and she has to follow them and not make a terrible huge mistake (not only her, but you also cant make that sin, and you would also be held responsible).


--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on February 12, 2008, 09:47:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: dibblah on February 12, 2008, 09:06:04 PM ---Easy does it and one step at a time my friend... we still love each other although marriage is now looking unlikely... to quote the US saying it has become: "the elephant in the room?"

That is all I can tell you of the status quo right now. She did not watch all of the video..I will ask her to have patience with it when she is not so upset and view it from an unemotionally-charged perspective. I do not want her to rebel against this but if I, (of all people) push this, she will reject it!...

All I can do in clear concience is as I have done and in respect to my Judaic brothers. I have probably and conciously scuppered our chances of marriage. Niether of us would marry outside of a religous marriage and probably never outside of our faith. The one message you can probabaly thank yourselves for helping us with, was to get accross that message that the Jewish mother passes on the Jewish inheritance. This gave us both significant pause for thought.

Let us hope (and pray) that by not inter-marrying we are not giving the Muslims another rod to divide us with; Lord knows we have managed to do that amongst each other for a long time now without their help!

All Christians were Jews before we recognized Christ. Let us not forget the fundamentals of our religion.- The Torah. I'm a bit done with this now, but have tried to maintain dialogue despite my (our) personal grief on the subject.

Dibblah -out...

--- End quote ---

 ??? , one step at a time? What does that mean? You are breaking up, one step at a time? If you recognize that it is wrong then you have to end it right away, if not then you can state it and you will be shown why. If you love that girl the best thing you can do is show here that video (and also the one on Shabbat and the Divineinformation video), and not have contact with her any longer. These are rules, not made by me, but by the Creator of the World, (The Holy One Blessed Be He), and she has to follow them and not make a terrible huge mistake (not only her, but you also cant make that sin, and you would also be held responsible).

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I agree. Jews need to marry jews. Intermarriage is severely hurting world jewry and I believe the marriage will be doomed if it is allowed to progress. All the cases of intermarriage that I have seen were not successful.

Thank you, thats about it.

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:

--- Quote from: There Are No 'Israeli' Arabs on February 14, 2008, 12:30:22 AM ---
--- Quote from: Tzvi Ben Roshel on February 12, 2008, 09:47:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: dibblah on February 12, 2008, 09:06:04 PM ---Easy does it and one step at a time my friend... we still love each other although marriage is now looking unlikely... to quote the US saying it has become: "the elephant in the room?"

That is all I can tell you of the status quo right now. She did not watch all of the video..I will ask her to have patience with it when she is not so upset and view it from an unemotionally-charged perspective. I do not want her to rebel against this but if I, (of all people) push this, she will reject it!...

All I can do in clear concience is as I have done and in respect to my Judaic brothers. I have probably and conciously scuppered our chances of marriage. Niether of us would marry outside of a religous marriage and probably never outside of our faith. The one message you can probabaly thank yourselves for helping us with, was to get accross that message that the Jewish mother passes on the Jewish inheritance. This gave us both significant pause for thought.

Let us hope (and pray) that by not inter-marrying we are not giving the Muslims another rod to divide us with; Lord knows we have managed to do that amongst each other for a long time now without their help!

All Christians were Jews before we recognized Christ. Let us not forget the fundamentals of our religion.- The Torah. I'm a bit done with this now, but have tried to maintain dialogue despite my (our) personal grief on the subject.

Dibblah -out...

--- End quote ---

 ??? , one step at a time? What does that mean? You are breaking up, one step at a time? If you recognize that it is wrong then you have to end it right away, if not then you can state it and you will be shown why. If you love that girl the best thing you can do is show here that video (and also the one on Shabbat and the Divineinformation video), and not have contact with her any longer. These are rules, not made by me, but by the Creator of the World, (The Holy One Blessed Be He), and she has to follow them and not make a terrible huge mistake (not only her, but you also cant make that sin, and you would also be held responsible).

--- End quote ---

I think he realizes that, but I don't think bombarding the girl with soooo much rhetoric against intermarraige will work in our favor. Like he said, if you push her too hard, she will reject Judaism and be against it for all the suffering it caused her. Dibblah needs to break up with her carefully and still leave her with a Jewish yearning. The point against intermarraige should be made, but stuffing it down her throat seems to much for her now. I think she gets it, but both he and she need some time to sort themselves out.

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Yea, but I assume that if "they are together" they are at least touching eachother, at the veryyy least (G-d forbid they should do more). From his standpoint, it is wronge and he isn't allowed to be with her or give her the false impression. He doesn't need to bombard her, just simply break up. What she does next isn't his problem but completly hers, just as long as their not together. If he wants he can direct her to that important video, so she can correct her foolish ways and have a change for true repentence.


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