Here's the e-mail she sent to me,
she didn't want to leave, without
giving her reasons.
"Dear JTFer's
I have made a choice to leave the forum for a number of reasons. Many here I care about deeply and that will never change.
But in life, we all walked down different paths to get to the one goal, JTF was just one stop on that journey.
The direction this forum has now heading into is one that I can't take or even bear to be apart of.
I love my country, my people, my culture, and I love who I am.
Remaining on the forum would only cause a rift that could never be mended 22,000 life times.
I protect the memory and spirit of a nation. That is my path and one I must remain on.
I hold no ill will against JTF, as I have said to some in Administration JTF just one of a bigger network of people helping and supporting the Jewish way of life. The work it has done and continues to do is priceless, and should never be stopped.
As my work too is important in ways beyond most people will never know.
My account was hacked in another forum which linked directly to JTF, deleting it was the only way to protect JTF.
The rights of one does not out way the rights of many.
Peace to you all
Thank you Skippy
for all that you've done.