She's sort of a troll. Sometimes it's hard to tell whether her questions are serious or whether they are due to the ability to understand something. Like in your "banning dancing poll" how she asked whether celebrating graduations is banned for Jews, and asked whether she was "going to hell in a handbasket" for enjoying dancing after you made it crystal clear that you weren't talking about gentiles.
This can come across as trolling, but I think that she makes these comments due to her inability to understand some things. Such as, not knowing that different rules apply to Jews and gentiles after she's been on a Jewish forum for many many months.... That almost seems to me to be one of the first things that any Christian gentile would understand after visiting a forum such as this one.
She's not a troll for disagreeing, disagreement is fine and doens't make you a troll, but she could be a troll for purposely asking provocative and poorly thought out metaphors and ideas. I still don't know whether she's serious about these types of questions or whether she asks them to stir things up. I'm leaning towards the former though.