Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

Should Jews Participate In Senior Proms?

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Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: Skippy on January 28, 2008, 09:17:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on January 28, 2008, 08:31:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 28, 2008, 08:27:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dr. Dan on January 28, 2008, 08:24:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on January 28, 2008, 06:26:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: Skippy on January 28, 2008, 06:20:35 PM ---We never had them, but who cares, its not a religious thing, of course Jews should go.

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I only went to once "dance" in my lifetime and it was from Hebrew School. I didn't have a good time anyway because all the girls had dates so I had no one to dance with anyway.

They called it a "Confirmation dance" because many self-hating Jews have "Confirmations" when they are 15 so they had it for the 10th Graders at my Hebrew School because it was a "community Hebrew School" and not part of one movement so they had to cater to the Deformed people who have Christian celebrations ("Confirmations") disguised as Jewish celebrations in their Deformed synagogues. I never had one and I only went to the dance because I wasn't modest yet then and I wanted to dance with women for lustful reasons. Now I know it is wrong to want to dance with women other than my wife and I regret attending. Maybe G-d punished me for it by making me not have a good time but actually He was probably blessing me by preventing me from sinning. The dance was in a ballroom at a Deform synagogue. I think they had a disco ball hanging from the ceiling and I didn't see the part of the building where the Deforms pray in.

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That must explain your bitterness of proms and valentine's day...

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He is good kid,  Doc just a little high strung.

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He is a good kid...But needs to be steered with the proper Jewish mindset...

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Good luck Doc with that  O0

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Well, i'll rely on JDLforever...he seems to be the most sensible Jew on the forum..

My prom was fine but I do have bitter memories.  See the reception was held in Windows of the World which was on top of the Trade Center which was a huge banquet.

Just Erica:

--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on January 28, 2008, 10:52:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 10:40:28 PM ---What dances were you allowed to do, temple?

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   I never had restrictions on what types of dancing I could do. Of course I never participated in any dancing that was dirty. I like the country dances, because they are traditional. To be honest though, I'm not an expert on dancing. I didn't go to my prom because I could not find a date, which is not entirely true because I didn't want to go with the ones that asked me out.

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Well, the guy you saw in my prom picture should have stayed home with his mom. That was one of my only gripes about my prom...he was a wet blanket. As far as dancing though...I wasn't big on it, myself. I actually danced a lot like my mom then... 1-2 stepping and all. lol NOW I know some dances but you'll be happy to know that I can't stand provocative dances.

Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on January 28, 2008, 10:31:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on January 28, 2008, 09:39:37 PM ---The dancing is the immodest part.
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   Bumping and grinding are immodest along with many other types of dancing, however, the act of just dancing

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yeh somethign like this is good to do with your spouse in private ;)

They use to have every Saturday evening at a temple in Whitestone, Queens where the older folks use to go every weekend pay I think like 5 bucks and danced a few hours.  And then went home.


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