Author Topic: John F. Kennedy's daughter supports obama says "A President Like My Father"  (Read 6920 times)

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Offline cjd

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Just Erica i dont hate barack because he is black but because he is a muslim
He's not a Muslim. You can't be muslim and Christian at the same more than you can be Jewish and Christian at the same time. The man stopped being a Muslim when he was a kid. He is now in his 40's and you still won't let him live it down. People convert to Judaism all of the time, but are you still calling them by the religion that they USE to follow?
If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck, it's a duck and there is no way anybody can tell us he is not a Muslim, he was brought up Muslim and went to a Muslim.
JB, you don't want to be told that Obama isn't a muslim because it comforts you that since he once was "AS A CHILD" you're able to hold it over his head. I asked a question and no one answered it so I'll ask again... People convert to Judaism all of the time, but are you still calling them by the religion that they USE to follow?

Barack Obama was a muslim as a child because his dad was a muslim. He stopped practicing when he was STILL A CHILD. I guess if you must hate him..hate him for being a child.
It's true people convert from one religion to another all the time. Some folks actually see a better way and convert with all their hart. With Obama I think the so called conversion came on about the same time as his political aspirations did. Honestly if Obama's background was anything but Muslim I would not be overly concerned. Sad fact is Muslims have openly stated that they wish to destroy America and Israel so I guess Obama's Muslim background has myself and other clear thinking Americans concerned. He has never to my knowledge come out and openly tried to distance himself from his muslim upbringing except in the most generic way. Lets face it his mom married two muslims so it seems his early life was very centered on people like that and he went to their schools. It just seems to be a very wrong time to be putting someone with that sort of past into the White House. This and the fact that he is a Liberal Democrat only makes the picture harder for conservatives and other clear thinking people to absorb.
He wasn't a Muslim as a teenager, he already explained that he didn't care about a lot of t hings as a teenager. Surely, if he were a muslim, all of the things he did wouldn't have been accepted in the faith. You act as though he went on a bombing campaign throughout Indonesia as a 6 year old child. Not ALL muslims are evil. I think you guys watch reports on the Iraq war too much. All I see sometimes are kids holding weapons. Barack didn't grow up in that kind of environment.

I mentioned to another poster a minute ago that if he were truely Muslim, his wife and his daughters would have to adhere to the muslim customs also. They don't wear the Hajib and they don't quote the Q'uran. I think that the fact that he's running for office bothers you all so much because he's not a white guy.
No doubt about it it does bother me he is not a white guy however not because of his skin color but because he has the typical black mentality of affirmative action and redistribution of the wealth. If this was any other country this guy coming from a demographic thats 18% of the population and a muslim on top of that would not have stood a chance getting as far as he has. Here in America this can happen which says quite a bit. Some of it good some bad. For me I honesty don't care when the brake came from his muslim beginnings fact is he was born and raised in that society. This guy if elected may have to G-d forbid one day order the military to attack one muslim country or another possibly even order worse. I really cant see putting someone in office that would have a moments hesitation in doing that. Here in New York shortly after 911 news reports were aired about muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City celebrating the attack. What sort of nasty animals rejoice over innocent people being killed like that? For me this guy is a black Muslim and as such he is damaged goods.
He's not muslim. But no matter how many times he says it, and no matter how many times I say it, you'll believe what you want to believe.

Also you asked an interesting question... "What sort of nasty animals rejoice over innocent people being killed like that?" Well, I just read some responses that point to a couple of members here who would LOVE to see Obama assasinated once he becomes President. I don't think ANYTHING is funny about that.

When he wins and becomes America's next president and dosen't act the way you say he's going to act what will you do then? Find more reasons to bash him even if he's doing good? You all like being upset, don't you?
He was raised by muslims and was schooled by them so thats enough for me. If he becomes president then he is president. As much as you would like to think I would like to see something happen to him you are very wrong I would not. I would just rather he looses his run and goes back to congress. I hardly ever wish death on anyone even my worse enemies. People should not talk like that. I honestly don't think he would follow any policy that I would favor because he is very liberal and I don't cotton to most positions democrats set anyway. Will I bash him certanly? Will he be president he will. Do I like being upset no I don't.  I am just tired of working hard and being taxed to death to feed all the dead wood liberals like to give my hard earned money to. Just for the record if he makes it to the White House and does a good job I would be very pleased.
Being raised Muslim as a child is different from being raised as a muslim throughout his life. The man stopped being Muslim AS A CHILD. And just because he still associates with his family who are muslim (I think) doesn't mean that he is muslim by association. Just like me being Christian doesn't automatically make my children Christian. As a matter of fact, do you think that people who covert to Judaism are still following the religion they followed before they started studying in your religion?

And remember, Obama isn't the reason we've been taxed  half-to death, it's Bush's fault. When Obama or anyone else, becomes president, they will have inherited a LOT of the mess that Dubbyah created in his 8 years in office.

I'm glad you wouldn't want to see anyone dead.
I really don't care for some of the things that Bush has done however as far as the economy and taxes go he is far better than Clinton. The Clinton's never saw a tax they didn't like and the last year he was in office the economy was in a sharp downturn. Americas economy would be in much better shape if Bush didn't have to deal with the muslim security threat we face since 911. I guess people see things differently and what you think makes a good president may make me cringe with horror and visa versa. The 8 years Clinton was in office left me feeling much the way you describe Bush in your above post. As far a Obama goes he is now preaching to the choir. If he wins the nomination he will then be facing the non believers of both parties and we will learn quite a bit more about him. All I can say for now is time will tell and I am sure it will get very  interesting.
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Offline Johnson Brown

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Just Erica i dont hate barack because he is black but because he is a Muslim
He's not a Muslim. You can't be Muslim and Christian at the same more than you can be Jewish and Christian at the same time. The man stopped being a Muslim when he was a kid. He is now in his 40's and you still won't let him live it down. People convert to Judaism all of the time, but are you still calling them by the religion that they USE to follow?
If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck, it's a duck and there is no way anybody can tell us he is not a Muslim, he was brought up Muslim and went to a Muslim.
JB, you don't want to be told that Obama isn't a Muslim because it comforts you that since he once was "AS A CHILD" you're able to hold it over his head. I asked a question and no one answered it so I'll ask again... People convert to Judaism all of the time, but are you still calling them by the religion that they USE to follow?

Barack Obama was a Muslim as a child because his dad was a Muslim. He stopped practicing when he was STILL A CHILD. I guess if you must hate him..hate him for being a child.
Practicing or not, this country does not need to even take a chance on a Muslim animal like him, remember what flew planes into the trade center?, it wasn't a catholic, Lutheran, Mormon, or Jew.  It was those dirty filthy animal Muslims.  He was taught and brought up as a Muslim, I don't care what you say, everyone is afraid to say it because he is black so the liberal media won't touch it.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Ted (did I murder her, I thought she could swim) Kennedy and that Liberal animal Caroline Kennedy should both get something.  Why would they or anybody support a one term senator?  Who has no experience in any matters?  I wonder why?  Could it be because he is black?
It's affirmative action, we need to have a black, it's such a white liberal thing to do.

Offline KansasJew

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The only reason Obama is on the card is that the DNC and senior leaders of the Democratic Party chose a white woman and a black man to run to stir up  votes and cause people to pay attention to this election because of deep seated fears and phobias. The liberal media is having the best time of their lives. That alone makes me hate the Democratic Party.
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