I keep it with a loaded mag, but an empty chamber.
1st, it was strange taking it with me.
Over the years, the gun has changed and I have become used to carrying.
Draw is a little slow, but the blue guns help.
Their weight is not to far off the real thing.
Great Training tool. Take downs, carry(takes a bit to work it out), grip training, and some trigger control drills.
If you are going to do some trigger drills(Empty case on your front site, as an example), I would start with blue.
Than work up to a real, Unloaded, gun.
http://www.blueguns.com/When you carry, there are a ton of options. Belly pack, all sorts of holsters, thunderware(for the brave), and now you can get jackets and shirts for your carry.
Its not a bad idea to start with a blue gun. Decide the best carry for you. And drill a lot.
Draw, present, holster. I would suggest at 500 times. Before you go out.