Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Save Serbia Moderator

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Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
I wish to resign as Moderator of the Save Serbia section.

I've let you guys know (administrators) everytime Husar has crossed the line, wether it has to do with attacking people personally or just bashing with no reason.

Everytime someone answers his attacks he transforms into the victim, as today.

He said that he thought Dalmacija was gay. Not the other way around.

Where we come from we don't take that too easily. But that aside, Husar has called ANYONE who disagrees with him a nazicroat lover.

Since no admin has ever listened to me, not heard or just didn't agree.

For that I don't want to be a Moderator anymore. I feel as the Save Serbia section is just filled with hate and nonsense since Husars arrival to be honest.

Today you might think of me and Dalmacija as I don't know, Evil? Disgusting?
But one day you will realize what I'm saying now when someone else is complaining about Husars behaviour.

Thank you.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:
Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) I don't think you are Evil.

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
I keep saying the truth, I take this job seriously and nobody listens. Now I and Dalmacija are the bad guys when in fact im sorry to say to you Skippy that it is husar. No one else keeps insulting people back and forth.

Nobody thinks that you are evil,but you are moderator and arguing with Husar and Dalmacija!Does Kansasjew has to come to sort things out,which was right thing to do,when you are moderator?

Tina Greco - Melbourne:

--- Quote from: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on January 31, 2008, 07:30:47 PM ---I keep saying the truth, I take this job seriously and nobody listens. Now I and Dalmacija are the bad guys when in fact im sorry to say to you Skippy that it is husar. No one else keeps insulting people back and forth.

--- End quote ---

I know thats your belief, and I respect that. I know some days being a mod is far from easy.


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