There is no way the blacks could kill like the nazis, the blacks could never master a technology so complicated. I have studied the negro in a variety of settings and have noticed that we they kill they prefer primitive weapons, such as razors, knives and low tech guns. You will notice the way the priimitives fought in the recent Union Square Farmers Market incident. The weapons involved were clubs, bats, metal garbage cans and knives. Considering, that some of these 'students' attended a science academy you would think that they could come up with something more technical, such as gas or an explosive. But alas, they reverted back to their african heritage, and fought in the same way that they fought back in africa when they raided a hostile tribe. One thing that did bother me however was that the cops put a stop to the conflict. What the white officers should have done was surround the tribes so the white shoppers would protected and the 'youths' could have fought to the death, with one biped the winner. By doing this, these future predators would be dead, but with street cred, and the cops would not be accused of racial profiling, brutality and insenitivity.