I can't be banned simply because I'm voting for someone different than your candidate. Nor can I be banned for disagreeing with you.
Yes you are not the only one he disagrees with, he does with me and calls me insane 
You were posting stuff from marxist sites , that are as easily fulminating against Israel as against nazis.
Are even worse : comparing Israel to Nazi-Germany.
I was not it was anti BNP and you didn't like it, and those sites were anti Nazi anti commie, so don't tell pulling that one.
I know that 90% of the radical European right wing parties have a past of links with anti-Zionist/neo-nazi groups.
Some over the years changed.
Most known is VB.
Nowdays, the left wing and the radical left, are slowly radicalising against Israel,
and some goups in the Radical Right is getting more and more pro-USA&Israel.
Regardless of the fact that they 're right on the BNP-nazism-issue,
that site was promoting diversity/multicuture/dhimmitude/marxism/egalitarism.
I have no time to check this site to the bottom,
but I smeel they are linked to anti-Israel networks as well.
In Belgium , the anti-VB movement is exactly doing that: accusing VB of nazism (not so far-fetched)
and in the meantime collaborating with "P@lestine", pro-gay rights, pro-abortion,
pro-immigration, pro-socialism.