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Another New Video With David Ben Moshe (02/06)

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Take care Obama is very dangerous.


--- Quote from: Chaim Ben Pesach on February 06, 2008, 08:43:20 PM ---                                                                                                      בס''ד

JTF Will Lead Anti-Obama Campaign If He Wins Nomination
On zootube (youtube):
On yideoz:

--- End quote ---

Bravo! Great video. Let's wage war on Hussein Obama.


--- Quote from: Masha on February 07, 2008, 03:19:47 PM ---Removed from youtube!!!  >:(

--- End quote ---

We need to flood YouTube with anti-Obama videos.
Can't some of you guys make new ones?

This guy MUST be stopped.


--- Quote from: whywhywhy on February 08, 2008, 07:59:30 AM ---Take care Obama is very dangerous.

--- End quote ---

The power behind Obama is frightening.
Black radical hate groups such as Nation of Islam, The New Black Panther Party, and United Trinity Church of Christ (Obama's anti-Jewish, pro-Islam church)
and people like billionaire Muslims Tony Rezko, Louis Farakhan and George Soros are behind him. Their power is awe inspiring and their money is pushing him down the throats of the American public.
We MUST stop Obama.

Ben Yehuda:
Despite the overwhelming evidence that this Osama is a traitor, stupid Americans think he's the greatest thing since Jesus.

Please remember that the average IQ is 100 which means 50% are at that level or below. Of the other 50%, how many are delusional and/or evil? It doesn't look good.


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