Author Topic: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain  (Read 9641 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2008, 01:24:24 AM »
Dole, Elizabeth <-------- HERE IS A FAMILIAR NAME hmmm

Her husband is another Twit Republican elected for being a veteran.  However, McCain will most likely cover more territory. 

My problem with Dole she also is a big wig for the American Red Cross.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2008, 01:55:04 AM »
Chaim I have to disagree. Who cares who the smartest one for him to pick is. I would rather him pick someone who hasn't signed Pollards death sentence than someone who would help him get elected screw him. I would rather him pick Huckabee than some shmuck who had three affairs and was caught in a car engaged in sexual acts. Just google it and you will see.
As usual I completely agree with you. The only running that fatass should be doing is from the river of molten magma coming straight at him in the next life.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2008, 02:01:48 AM »

it's just an indication that some people here are so used to hating others that they want to pick an ultimate person to ate so that they can be justified to feel that way.
Dr. Dan, I am extremely disappointed with you as of late. First you tell Chaim that we shouldn't be "whiny Jews" and should forgive the nations that committed the Holocaust, and now this? I don't like McCain because I am a "hateful" person? WTF is this nonsense?

Anyway, for the record, the Antichrist (capital A) is the world ruler who, according to Christian theology (the book of Revelation in the NT), will reign over a worldwide Reich and execute an unforeseen holocaust against all of world Christendom and Jewry. He will be enormously popular and well-received by all political factions, and will have a uniting power previously unheard of. Hillary doesn't have that ability--not even close. Obama has it to a good extent, because he is generally a likable figure and doesn't arouse hatred in a lot of people, even Republicans, but does not have the sophistication and universal adoration of McCain. Only McCain will unite the entire Democratic AND Republican bases.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2008, 02:33:33 AM »

Dr. Dan, I am extremely disappointed with you as of late. First you tell Chaim that we shouldn't be "whiny Jews" and should forgive the nations that committed the Holocaust, and now this? I don't like McCain because I am a "hateful" person? WTF is this nonsense?

Anyway, for the record, the Antichrist (capital A) is the world ruler who, according to Christian theology (the book of Revelation in the NT), will reign over a worldwide Reich and execute an unforeseen holocaust against all of world Christendom and Jewry. He will be enormously popular and well-received by all political factions, and will have a uniting power previously unheard of. Hillary doesn't have that ability--not even close. Obama has it to a good extent, because he is generally a likable figure and doesn't arouse hatred in a lot of people, even Republicans, but does not have the sophistication and universal adoration of McCain. Only McCain will unite the entire Democratic AND Republican bases.

I disagree with you. 

McCain doesn't have "charisma."  A lot of people actually consider him to have a bad temper.   Also, the media would turn on McCain. 

In contrast, the media would never criticize Obama.

An example:

     Spitzer's approval ratings went down after he wanted to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.  Approximately 80% of people were against the idea.

    Obama supports the same exact idea but he hasn't lost any support from it.

Some people believe he's very sophisticated. 

Obama has already been calling himself the "uniter" for months and the one to "unite" everyone. 

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2008, 06:32:23 AM »

it's just an indication that some people here are so used to hating others that they want to pick an ultimate person to ate so that they can be justified to feel that way.
Dr. Dan, I am extremely disappointed with you as of late. First you tell Chaim that we shouldn't be "whiny Jews" and should forgive the nations that committed the Holocaust, and now this? I don't like McCain because I am a "hateful" person? WTF is this nonsense?

Anyway, for the record, the Antichrist (capital A) is the world ruler who, according to Christian theology (the book of Revelation in the NT), will reign over a worldwide Reich and execute an unforeseen holocaust against all of world Christendom and Jewry. He will be enormously popular and well-received by all political factions, and will have a uniting power previously unheard of. Hillary doesn't have that ability--not even close. Obama has it to a good extent, because he is generally a likable figure and doesn't arouse hatred in a lot of people, even Republicans, but does not have the sophistication and universal adoration of McCain. Only McCain will unite the entire Democratic AND Republican bases.

First, I NEVER said we should forgive ANYONE for the holocaust. I simply said holding a grudge was POINTLESS. Being VIGILANT, to me, was the proper way to act.  Quite simply, EVERY nation was involved in killing Jews including fellow Jews, THROUGHOUT history! So am I to hold a grudge against everyone?  No!  We have only ourselves to blame for trusting them with our livelihood!

And don't expect me trust anyone else to determine the fate of my people...which includes evangelicals and born-agains, no offense.  I do appreciate the help and support and we will fight on together even with disagreements and hopefully bring peace to the world and with each other and usher in the messiah together.  However, Christians might turn against the Jews once again and the Muzzies, Gd fobid, might become the friends of the Jews, if we stay on this path.

You choosing Hitlery over McCain is an indication to me that you have given up.  You, who is chastising me, want to vote for a more evil animal to be president, who will enable more Muzzie countries, like with Pakistan, to get nuclear weapons AND directly force Israel to walk to the gas chambers.  Dont' worry, Hitlery is loved by our beloved Jewish friends..and the worst kind of Jews LOVE her.  So don't worry, she will directly be able to force Israel to do whatever her hand says.  Did you forget already what Bill Clinton did to us and Israel, with only the grace of Gd, Israel was saved from making a terrible concession to Yasser Arafat?!  He also single handedly laxed our defense and it resulted in 9/11!!!! Imagine what his crazy communist wife will do!!!

I'm not saying the McCain is an angel...He happens to be the worst of all of the republican candidates (not counting Ron Paul) when it comes down to the issues we believe in.  However, he is a million times better than Obama and Hitlery.

As far as the "Anti-Christ..I don't believe in Jesus Christ, no offense to anyone here who does.  So logically, if i don't believe in Jesus christ, how coudl I believe in the "Anti-christ"?   For me to believe in Jesus Christ or the "anti-Christ", I might has well strip my Jewish identity...So dont' impose your religion on me or any Jew here about anti-Christs.

Secondly, you are no prophet to beleive McCain to be such a person..or even Obama.. Let's not get ahead of ourselves and start flying to heaven. We are mortal people who have no special powers to predict the actual future. I do agree we can make an educational guess that McCain will also ruin this country and make us more vulnerable.  Hitlery and Obama will both make this country vulnerable much much faster.

Bill Clinton had an affect on our society with his charisma. Hitlery will have an affect on the minority population who feel they can get away with anything. Hitlery at worst will cause a civil war with zealouts of evil (which is the majority) to fight against the zealouts of righteousness (which is a huuuuge minority).

Obama, common trouble..he will negotiate and talk and empathize with Hamas and Iran in a much worse way than Bill Clinton did and force Israel to do unthinkable things much of the way it was done wtih yasser Arafat, but this time with Hamas and worst!  When I think of Obama, I think of David Dinkins and the Crown Heights Riots and how so many people got away with murder.  Al Sharpton should be given death by lethal injection for his incitement of murder.  How the righteous have licked the dust while the evil live on to commit murder!

All three are terrible, McCain is a lot better than the other two.  All I have to say is, while Huckabee is in it, we are better off hoping for him.  Except, Huckabee isn't anythign special either. But he is the least worst.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 06:35:08 AM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2008, 08:08:18 AM »
CF and Dr. Dan, please let's not get personal when we have disagreements. Both of you want to do what's right, but you have tactical differences. You should still respect each other because each of you has only the best of intentions. In a situation like this, there are going to be legitimate differences of opinion on the forum.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2008, 11:00:12 AM »
Chaim, i'm right there with you :)  Shabbat Shalom.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #32 on: February 09, 2008, 07:37:30 PM »
I agree with Chaim about not getting personal especially since both Chaimfan and Dr dan are such great members. Anyhow, I can understand both Chaimfan's and Dr dans positions. On one hand if Juan picks a good Vp, we prob should hold our noses and vote for him. On the other hand, if Barack Hussein and Hitlery get elected, the republicans would actually fight them. It looks like we are screwed again.
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Offline cjd

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2008, 08:45:59 PM »
I have always enjoyed watching Gingrich speak and feel that he has a grasp on whats shaking in Washington. I like the man and really feel that although he at times speaks with a forked tongue he is good on many issues. Lets face it no one in politics is 100%. I once asked Chaim about Newt and he gave me an interesting perspective on the man that I never knew. Lets just say Newt preaches a better game than he actually plays. McCain will not pick Gingrich because his tendencies will cause him to pick from the left. McCain has put his cards on the table already and said that the Right Wing of the party needs to fall into place and back him no questions asked or face the prospect of an Obama or Hillery presidency. Gingrich warts and all would be a far better pick than Huckabee or some of the other names being passed around. The sad thing is that McCain will never look to the right and pick him.
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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2008, 09:32:52 PM »
Hello people what about Tom Tancrado or Duncan Hunter
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #35 on: February 10, 2008, 01:25:11 AM »
Good idea Chaim!  But I don't think that McCain would pick anyone who could potentially be an obstacle to cleanse the Republican party from conservative principles.  As we all know McCain's agenda is to take the Republican party to the left.
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Offline EagleEye

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #36 on: February 10, 2008, 01:29:57 AM »
Mccain needs to nominate a conservative (hucakabee, romney, etc) from the standpoint of his own self-interest. In terms of his own self-interest, I think Newt doesn't help.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2008, 03:33:56 AM »
Hello people what about Tom Tancrado or Duncan Hunter

McCain and Tancredo obviously have differing views over the McCain-Kennedy bill. I doubt he would consider Tancredo.

McCain knows that Hunter is conservative.  He said so a few months ago.  So I doubt he'd consider him. 

Read the following statement by McCain:

By mentioning Hunter's name, maybe he was implying that he doesn't care what conservatives think, since he knows Hunter is conservative.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2008, 01:23:53 PM »
Here is the latest VP speculation. It is a pretty good article:

Yes they mention Tim Pawlenty.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2008, 02:26:23 PM »
Not really.  I'm implying that Newt was leading the house at a time when Republicans were trying to portray themselves as moderates to complete with Clinton.  In other words, he was the leader at the time when Republicans were trying to downplay their conservatism.

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2008, 04:16:00 PM »
I think the best running mate for McCain is either Rudy or Huckabee.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2008, 04:40:42 PM »
I'm starting to change my mind.  Gingrich may be reasonable.  In a mail I got, he was saying for conservatives to "declare independence" and I agree with it.  He called on the Republicans to change their ways.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #43 on: February 13, 2008, 01:27:58 AM »
The only running that fatass should be doing is from the river of molten magma coming straight at him in the next life.

Ha, ha, ha.  Man, that's funny!

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2008, 01:31:25 AM »
Pence from Indiana or The Governor of Missouri....Both Young Republicans and very conservative....Excellent Bios
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Offline Matthias Corvinus

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #45 on: February 13, 2008, 10:25:33 PM »
We need to support a third party candidate at this point in time.

If you vote for a third party, or don't vote, you are effectively voting for Obama or Clinton.

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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #46 on: February 13, 2008, 11:18:01 PM »
We need to support a third party candidate at this point in time.

If you vote for a third party, or don't vote, you are effectively voting for Obama or Clinton.

   I've must have heard that type of statement a thousand times. No, I am not voting for either of them. Of course there is little I can do to stop any of them, but by voting for a third party candidate I am casting a vote of no support. I am showing the republican party that I will not support them unconditionally when they elect bad candidates. Hashem is the only one that I support unconditionally. Even JTF I support conditionally based upon it's merits and JTF has definitely earned it.
   Bad candidates get elected in office because people don't speak up for their beliefs. I cannot support McCain, Hitlery, or Osama. I do however believe that in the longrun that McCain is the worst even though Osama is the worst for now. Let's try and find someone that we can support instead of supporting the least of three evils.
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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #47 on: February 29, 2008, 10:08:26 AM »
McCain might become the new William Henry Harrison.  If he dies in office, would Gingrich pick up the pieces?
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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #48 on: March 06, 2008, 09:13:06 PM »
I saw some talk today on the possibility that McCain may tap the governor of Florida for VP. Anyone know anything about this guy?
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Re: The Smartest Running Mate Choice For McCain
« Reply #49 on: March 09, 2008, 11:15:41 AM »
I saw some talk today on the possibility that McCain may tap the governor of Florida for VP. Anyone know anything about this guy?

The Florida Governor is another moderate imbecile!
From what I am seeing of him I would agree with that evaluation. I really never saw him in the news much until this past week.
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