Author Topic: Mahmoud Abbas Sees Dimona Terrorists as Holy Martyrs  (Read 2208 times)

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Mahmoud Abbas Sees Dimona Terrorists as Holy Martyrs
« on: February 08, 2008, 02:08:03 AM »
Here's Bush's favorite "piece-maker" of the "piece loving" muslims again... which makes me wonder if he's not just actually trying to destroy Israel with full intention.

Anyone who can't see the writing on the wall is a moron. Muslim arab nazis are lying lunatics and violent murderers.

PA Sees Dimona Terrorists as Holy Martyrs
by Hillel Fendel

Newspapers of the Palestinian Authority, controlled by Mahmoud Abbas, say the Dimona murderers were "holy martyrs."

A 73-year-old new immigrant from the former Soviet Union, Lyubov Razdolskaya, was murdered in the Dimona suicide attack this Monday, and her husband was critically wounded and is still fighting for his life.  The two of them were theoretical physicists who made a significant contribution to particle physics in Ben Gurion University.  Over 40 other people were also wounded in the attack.

The descriptions by the PA's official newspapers starkly contrast with official statements by PA leaders that condemned the Dimona attack.  Hours after the Monday afternoon attack, Abbas condemned it and added that he also condemns IDF counter-terrorism actions.

However, Palestinian Media Watch reports on a number of quotes in official PA organs showing that in actuality, the terrorists are glorified in PA culture and government. The official news report in Al-Hayat al-Jadeeda read, "The executors of the operation died as martyrs... An Israeli was killed and 11 were wounded in the operation in the Dimona commercial center."

The headline in another PA newspaper Al-Ayam read, "Dimona: An Israeli Woman was Killed in a Bomb Operation in the Commercial Center; the Two Perpetrators Died as Martyrs."  Similarly, the PA newspaper Al-Quds ran the story as, "Two Martyrs and a Killed Israeli Woman in a Bomb Operation in Dimona."

PMW notes that the term "martyr" places the terrorists on the highest level in Islam - a far cry from the formal criticism expressed by Abbas.  A "martyr" is also looked upon as a hero and a model to imitate, especially among the youth.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim